United Church of God

2023 Feast of Tabernacles: Cape Coast, Ghana

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2023 Feast of Tabernacles

Cape Coast, Ghana

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The coastal city of Cape Coast in the Central Region of Ghana again played host to members of the 10 congregations in Ghana for the 2023 Feast of Tabernacles. Some 353 joyous pilgrims basked in the blessing of an eight-day, nine-night sojourn of balanced weather, amidst a plenitude of rich spiritual nourishment generously provided by God.

Senior pastor to English-speaking West Africa, Paul Moody, spent the second half of the Feast here with us, having been with our Nigerian brethren for the first half.

Themes that eminently featured across the various messages of encouragement were working out one’s own salvation with fear and trembling, the very transient nature of life here on earth and keeping the unity of the Spirit in God’s love.

There were the usual volunteer Church translators who were on hand to translate messages from English to the local Twi or Fante and vice versa.

A good supply of special music in between messages from excited individuals and groups of brethren contributed to the spiritually enriching experience of this Feast of Tabernacles.

Ample opportunities to get to know one another were afforded in the numerous afternoon activities. The space for fellowship and bonding was filled with such events as a children’s party, outdoor and indoor games and a hymn-singing competition which aimed at familiarization with all of the Church’s hymns.

The members here express thankfulness and profound appreciation to donors all around the world who big-heartedly contributed to the family-focused activities at the Feast.

These God-blessed, astounding eight days and the vital lessons gleaned will hopefully sustain us till we meet again!