United Church of God

2023 Feast of Tabernacles: Gatlinburg, Tennessee

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2023 Feast of Tabernacles

Gatlinburg, Tennessee

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This year, 679 people attended the Feast of Tabernacles in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The venue featured a large, spacious facility with extra-wide aisles for easy fellowshipping before and after services each day.

The Gatlinburg site allowed us to have lots of fun activities. Teens were able to meet and get to know one another early on with a pizza social on the first day. The young adults met for a Bible study on the second day. Numerous “pick-up” volleyball and basketball games were held in this world-class sports facility. On Tuesday a family day picnic was held on the large soccer field adjacent to the meeting hall. Families competed in our novelty olympics, while the smallest children played in the inflatable bouncy houses and others played cornhole and other lawn games. On Thursday, we had a family dance with a “Rhinestone Cowboys” theme. There was lots of line dancing, prizes and snacks. In another activity, Feast attendees collected 1,200 pounds of food for a local food bank.

The messages during the daily services were very Feast-focused, accompanied by spiritually uplifting music. Those attending Gatlinburg were blessed with warm autumn weather with lots of sunny days and pleasant cool nights. The fall leaves had not yet turned, yet great hiking and scenic driving were plentiful.