United Church of God

2023 Feast of Tabernacles: Momé Hagou, Togo

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2023 Feast of Tabernacles

Momé Hagou, Togo

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The Feast of Tabernacles 2023 got underway in an atmosphere of great joy. Our two congregations met at Mome Hagou, 90 kilometers from Togo's capital, Lomé, where 51 people gathered to celebrate and praise our Creator who protected and blessed us during this year.

Our leaders, with their knowledge from the conference in Accra, gave edifying sermons, encouraging us to keep our vision for the future.

Another highlight was the baptism of two women, who had been waiting for this occasion for a long time. We were delighted to welcome them to the family of God.

It was with a contrite heart that we parted company on Sunday morning to set off on our return journey.

We would like to thank all those who helped us financially to make this great celebration a success.