United Church of God

Benefits of Baptism

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Benefits of Baptism

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The awesome gift of the Holy Spirit is the greatest gift a human being can receive in this life! Just think—God is willing to share His very own Spirit!

Becoming baptized doesn't make life more difficult. It brings about the greatest possible help for dealing with all of life's problems! You are no longer alone. You are no longer relying on puny human strength. God is with you and in you 24/7!

Notice the sequence in Matthew 28. Verse 19 says to make disciples and baptize them. After that (verse 20), "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you." So it's a mistake to think that a great amount of knowledge is needed before baptism.

However, one does need basic understanding, which forms the foundation for his or her faith and repentance, the two primary conditions for baptism. According to Mark:16:15-16, "he who believes" the gospel is ready for baptism.

When tempted to procrastinate about being baptized, think of the example of the Ethiopian in Acts:8:26-39. As soon as he understood the gospel and the grace made available by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, he eagerly asked, "What hinders me from being baptized?"