United Church of God

Breathtaking Love--God's Love

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Breathtaking Love--God's Love

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Their eyes light up and they have stories that make me visualize their great joy and love for the baby. As the child grows, the love a parent has for him or her grows to deeper levels. I have seen this firsthand in my family. My husband and I frequently talk about our girls and how much we love them. I can see the love my husband has for his daughters. Many times during conversations I tell him that he would swim the deepest ocean, crawl through the most treacherous forest and cross the hottest desert for our girls. It is beautiful to see the love he has for them. Nothing, short of death, could keep him from coming to the aid of our girls. Sometimes it is breathtaking. I think of Paul's question in Romans 8:35: "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?" Then in verses 38 and 39 he tells us. "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Every parent can see how that scripture can take your breath away. A personal experience that always brings God's love for us to my mind happened one year when our family was on the way to the Feast of Tabernacles. We had a flight layover. My husband, two small daughters and I were in a gift shop at the airport. We were just trying to make the time pass. My husband signaled to me that he was going to the restroom. I was in the shop with our girls. The little one was around 9 years old. I turned around one second and she was gone. My heart sank. I tried to stay calm while I gave a description of my daughter to the sales clerk. She had not seen her and seemed rather disinterested in my plight. I was rapidly becoming frantic. I asked other patrons in the shop if they had seen my child. No one could help me. Absolutely no one had seen her. I ran out into the corridor and started scanning the area. My eyes were quickly filling with tears of panic. It must have only been a few minutes but it seemed like hours. Finally, I saw her! She had decided to follow her father to the bathroom without letting me know. I immediately burst into sobbing tears. The breath went out of me. It had been one of the worst moments of my life. My love and concern for my child was pushed by emotion to the forefront of my entire being. When I think of that event I am reminded again of how much God loves us. The love God has for us is magnified exponentially compared to the love we have for our children. In Matthew 7:7-11 Jesus tells us that the good things we give (and do for) our kids are so small compared to the good things He wants to give us. God has set up a family unit to give us a glimpse of His immeasurable love for His children. He is our Father, and He will do much more than swim the deepest ocean, crawl through the most treacherous forest and cross the hottest desert for us. It is truly breathtaking!