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Casual Christians

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Casual Christians

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In his most recent book The Seven Faith Tribes, he discusses the seven predominant spiritual groups in America. The group that most captured my attention in his book is the group he calls the Casual Christians.

The Casual Christians comprise about 80 percent of all Christians, roughly 150 million. Although they label themselves as Christians, they do not see Christianity as a worldview; that is, they don't see Christianity as the lens through which to view personal decisions and the world at large. Rather, Casual Christians are comfortable with themselves, perceive themselves as independent thinkers and desire to remain open to a wide array of moral perspectives and lifestyles.

They put personal bonds ahead of ideological convictions and believe that God accepts them for who they are. This group also views themselves confidently, proudly seeing themselves as self-made, self-sufficient individuals. Viewing God as a benign and forgiving deity, they do not get too excited about matters of faith.

What an interesting analysis! Do you also find it interesting that this group of "Christians" makes up 80 percent of all Christians? If they do not make Christ's teachings prominent in their lives, can they really call themselves Christian?

Knowing the characteristics of Casual Christians helps us understand the recent development of the megachurches and the problems they face, such as inconsistent attendance, ministries divided into niche interests, high turnover of members, etc, and the generally independent path many take who call themselves Christian.

Casual Christians view church much like anything else in their lives—fitting in as long as there is room for it and easily discarded if it becomes uncomfortable or inconvenient.

What should we gather from such an analysis as Mr. Barna's? What is (and who is) a Christian then? A Christian is someone who is diligent in keeping himself or herself blameless (2 Peter 3:14) and purifies himself of herself (1 John 3:2-5). A Christian is someone who has God's Holy Spirit working in and directing his or her life (Romans 8:7-10) and who does the will of the Father and obeys the words of the Son (Matthew 7:21-27).

A Christian is someone who is developing God's character and emulating Christ (Matthew 5:48; 2 Corinthians 3:18). A Christian is someone who keeps God's commandments (1 John 3:24, 4:21, Revelation 14:12), including "remaining" in the Sabbath (Hebrews 4:9-12). A Christian is someone who is reflecting Christ in all aspects of His life, not just as a title or a convenient activity.

Rather than George Barna's discourse on Casual Christian's being a reflection on those not living up to God's standards, it should be a call to action and a reminder for true Christians to be ever vigilant to live according to Christ's example (John 13:15). Not only will we be truly seeking God, but He will be watching over us (Isaiah 66:2). UN

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