United Church of God

Forward! Giving - Is It Just Money?

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Forward! Giving - Is It Just Money?

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Giving in today’s materialistic society is often seen only in terms of cash. Great publicity and fanfare is given to those who give the big checks to a given cause. Yet Christ showed how the widow gave more with her two mites than the men who threw in much gold and silver. She had given out of her needs instead of her abundance.

Undoubtedly the widow’s heart was right, and I am persuaded that she gave more in other ways that are hard to measure. Being a widow, she knew how to give comfort to others who had lost loved ones. She would understand their pain. She would know more of what to say and what not to say. She would understand the comfort of simply caring, holding someone’s hand or giving a hug or shoulder to cry on.

The Scriptures don’t say a whole lot about this widow. Jesus saw her as she really was: humble, yet rich in heart. She probably gave more time in prayer because of her needs and her loss. Scripture says God hears the prayers of the righteous. How much did she give making intercession to God for others? We really can’t know. We do know Jesus made a point of her unselfish giving.

We have to learn to see as Christ sees; to judge as He judges. We must learn that God is not concerned with money as much as the heart. He is not a respecter of persons or wallets. He does want us to give. It may not be much in money, but it doesn’t have to be something humans measure. It is about giving whatever it is we do have to give.

A cheerful smile, a kind word, a prayer for another person, all count in God’s measure. We should be giving something to someone every day of our lives. That is one way we can fulfill the two great commands: Love God with your heart, mind and soul above all else, and love your neighbor as yourself. If you have love, you will give; just like Jesus Christ, who had perfect love, gave His life for us, paving the way for our eternal life to be with Him and His Father.