United Church of God

FORWARD to the Feast!

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FORWARD to the Feast!

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Much of my time in Ministerial Services for the past week has been devoted to reviewing and distributing the speaking schedules for this year's Feast. Ministerial Services is responsible for 11 U.S. sites, and we assist in areas outside the United States as requested. This year we have U.S. elders traveling to France, South Africa, Canada, Thailand, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Estonia, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Jamaica, Barbados, Mauritius, Zambia, Malawi, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Peru and Italy. The theme for this year's Festival video comes from Romans 14:16-19. In my memo to all the U.S. speakers I quote from these verses, emphasizing verse 19: "Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another." In addition to being the theme of the video, this verse provides instruction for all our speakers—our goal in preparing messages is to edify. Almost two years ago we surveyed the membership of the United Church of God and their views about the Church—what we are doing right and what areas are in need of improvement. The Feast of Tabernacles received the highest favorable rating—78 percent. The surveys simply reinforced the fact that the Feast is the spiritual (and physical) highlight of the year for all of us. We eagerly anticipate it and pray that God will provide the inspiration so that when it is over we truly feel edified. Albert Barnes, in his New Testament Commentary, writes this about the word "edify" in the section on Romans 14: "The word edify means, properly, to build, as a house; then to rebuild or reconstruct; then to adorn or ornament; then to do anything that will confer favor or advantage, or which will further an object. Applied to the church, it means, to do anything by teaching, counsel, advice, etc. which will tend to promote its great object; to aid Christians, to enable them to surmount difficulties...Christians are thus regarded, according to Paul's noble idea (Ephesians 2:20-22), as one great temple erected for the glory of God, having no separate interest, but as united for one object, and therefore bound to do all that is possible that each other may be fitted to their appropriate place, and perform their appropriate function in perfecting and adorning this temple of God" (emphasis added). I really like the reference to the Church as "one great temple erected for the glory of God, having no separate interest, but as united for one object." The Feast of Tabernacles is both a family affair and a Church affair. The speakers have one object—to edify those who will be attending. If we collectively pray for God's inspiration, I believe God will provide it, and this year's Feast will be the best ever. It is exciting to look forward to another great family activity that will promote unity and edification for God's people around the world. "Forward to the Feast" has a great ring to it! UN