United Church of God

God's Comfort Zone

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God's Comfort Zone

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I was both scared and excited about what to expect, since this was so outside of my comfort zone. I eagerly prepared for this excursion but longed for the comfort of my easy chair. We put up our tent with ease, the two of us working together, as he guided me in what I needed to do. On the first night in the tent I prayed before sleeping that God would keep me warm, as I get cold very easily. God indeed heard my prayer and kept me warm all night—it also doesn't hurt that my husband is a human heater. The next day we both awoke early. Joe made a nice fire, and I prepared breakfast. We went for a drive to find Shark Reef Sanctuary. We hiked down to the water's edge and were able to see sea lions, deer, eagles, chipmunks and squirrels. As I sat atop a huge outcropping of rocks overlooking the Strait of Juan de Fuca, I realized I had put off enjoying the beauty of God's creation because I was fearful. I had wanted the comforts of home instead of the comfort of all that God offers in nature. After lunch, I read the account of Joseph. Many times in Joseph's life he was out of his comfort zone, but through his trials he learned much about having comfort in God. In reading the passage about Joseph's life, I recognized something in my own life. Being fearful about coming out of my comfort zone meant that I was only fearful of the unknown. Everything that went along with camping was unknown to me. I had nothing to compare it to, because I was tied to my routine. But being smack in the center of the unknown is where we trust God more to lead us through and to help us grow from the unknown. We do not know everything about our lives, and that is a good thing. It is not our time to know everything, nor is it our responsibility. God gives us little bits of understanding through the adventures and trials He lets us go through. God wants us to leave our comfort zone so we can find comfort in Him. By doing the same thing day in and day out, we find comfort in our routine of life when we should find comfort in God. On the trip home, I finally understood that my easy chair will forever be calling my name, ready to engulf me in fake comfort. I need to choose daily to be willing to come out of my comfort zone and walk into God's true comfort—wherever He chooses to take me. UN

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