United Church of God

Going for Gold

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Going for Gold

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With the lighting of the Olympic Cauldron in Vancouver, British Columbia, on Feb. 12, the 2010 Winter Olympics officially began.

Over a period of 17 days, an estimated 5,500 athletes and officials representing over 80 countries participated in a frenzied schedule of sporting events ranging from skiing to figure skating. Much of the world's attention was focused on the Winter Games. In fact, organizers estimated that worldwide an incredible 3.5 billion television viewers tuned into the Games.

For most athletes, winning an Olympic gold medal represents the pinnacle of success in their sport. "Going for gold" is a recurring theme leading up to and throughout Olympic competition. Athletes, along with coaches, parents and trainers, push toward the Olympics with enthusiasm, energy and determination to succeed.

This intensity is matched by corporate sponsors who pour millions of dollars into advertising and media hype designed to cash in on the popularity of the Olympic Games.

While so much attention was directed to the events in Vancouver, other zealous, dedicated individuals across the globe remain engaged in a far more significant cause. These hearty participants, largely ignored by the global media, are hard at work training, practicing and preparing for the ultimate goal in life. These "athletes"—scattered in cities and countries worldwide—are busily practicing their calling, developing and honing their skills and responding to the advice and guidance of their "Coach."

Who are these unknown athletes? They are Christians following their Captain's admonition, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" (Matthew 6:33).

Raising the Bar

The Amplified Bible expounds that Jesus Christ was telling Christians to "aim at and strive after" the Kingdom of God and God's righteousness. Just as athletes preparing for the Olympics make "going for gold" their motto and focus, Christians are expected to passionately seek both the Kingdom and God's righteousness.

Seeking the Kingdom of God, while a lofty and important goal, is not sufficient by itself. Many often overlook the second aspect. Christ, in the role of coach and captain, encourages His followers to make developing God's righteousness—His righteous character—a definitive, purposeful way of life.

In a world of tolerance, it has become commonplace to dismiss any notion of a right and a wrong way of living. Yet Christ is clear in His expectation that righteousness be front and center for His followers.

A Standard of Excellence

God's righteousness is not a mythical, elusive goal. Rather, it is a clear, straightforward way of living that leads to the Kingdom of God.

This standard of excellence is provided in the Coach's manual for Christians—the Bible. The apostle Paul reminded his young apprentice Timothy, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16). The Bible is a how-to book for those seeking righteousness.

The rules and guidelines provided by our Creator are designed to equip mankind with the tools, abilities and knowledge to reflect righteousness in our daily behavior (2 Timothy 3:17). The law of God is the standard for right living.

At its core, God's righteousness is centered on an outgoing concern for others. Jesus summarized God's law as a directive to love God and fellow man (Matthew 22:37-39). For example, Christians are encouraged to be "doers of the word" by providing care and concern for individuals such as widows and orphans in need (James 1:22, 27).

God's way of living produces fantastic results. Some of these fruits include "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control" (Galatians 5:22-23). Imagine a world where this type of conduct was the norm! Why not learn to apply these principles now?

Going for Gold

On their quest for Olympic gold, athletes invest countless hours in preparation. Team members commit to a disciplined regimen of practice and training lasting weeks and even years in pursuit of a gold medal. Most events in the Winter Games require stamina, agility, strength, poise and drive. These attributes do not appear suddenly—even for the most gifted participants. The path to victory is not one for a casual, laid-back athlete.

Rarely do athletes express an interest in "shooting for silver"—they're determined to "go for gold!" This attitude reflects the biblical principle that "whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might" (Ecclesiastes 9:10). Those who aspire to fulfill Christ's command to seek the Kingdom and God's righteousness will be fully committed to the task.

Paul also compared sports to the life of a Christian. "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize?" Developing God's righteous character is not for the faint of heart. It is a serious commitment. Paul encourages, "Run in such a way that you may obtain it" (1 Corinthians 9:24).

With a full commitment to the process—seeking it first in life—Christians can develop righteous character. The training regimen includes daily prayer, Bible study and meditation. As Christians, we can "practice" the righteous character of God in our dealings with family, friends, coworkers and strangers.

Seeking God's righteousness is far more important than winning an Olympic medal. Developing righteous character not only improves the quality of life now, it carries with it the promise of eternal life (1 Timothy 4:8)!

The 2010 Winter Games came and went. Some athletes achieved victory and were recognized on the world stage for their success. Meanwhile, Christians must be hard at work seeking the ultimate championship—the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. "Go for gold!" You have nothing to lose. UN

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