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Hang in There, It's Just a Season

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Hang in There, It's Just a Season

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Here we are at a threshold of another Feast of Tabernacles. The air is filled with excitement as we gather our things, make our plans and hit the road for another Feast. Or is the word "excitement" not the word you are thinking right now? Maybe instead you feel stressed and overwhelmed. Not that the thought of the Feast is stressful, it's usually our favorite time of the year. But the thoughts playing out in your head about how the week will go, especially if you have little ones in tow, might be stressful. 

I know the feeling. We plan out all of the snacks. We think, "Will this book or this toy keep the kids quiet for a whole week of services?" We may even think sometimes, "What's the point of going—I'll just be in the mother's room the whole time? Where will I nurse the baby? How will we manage nap times?" There are a million questions going through your head right now.

This season of life when you are blessed with little ones can bring so many emotions. I know right now you may feel invisible, but you're not. I know you may feel alone, but you're not. I see you, mama. I see you looking so tired and sometimes frustrated. But hang in there, because most importantly, God sees you! He see's you trying hard to plan out your day. He sees you working hard to keep the kids quiet so they don't distract others. The stress of keeping babies quiet for a few hours will pass by quickly. Remember, this is just a season! This, too, shall pass.

Take heart knowing you are doing wonderful things! Take heart knowing God sees you and loves that you are fulfilling the job He ordained you to do. You are bringing up His little ones and teaching them in the ways that they should go (Proverbs 22:6). You are loved and you are needed. No one can do what you are doing right now. God has given mothers a special job, and Satan hates it and wants to steal your joy. This time of the year is so special for us, but many—including myself—can let Satan bring us down, allowing ourselves to feel like we are being left out or used up. But in reality, God is using us, but for His glory and His plans. He has entrusted us with these little ones, for only a season. Let's make the most of it while it last. Hold on to that joy and the promise that is set before us. I see you, mama, and God sees you. You are loved! Hope you have a wonderful Feast, and I'll see you in the mother's room!

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  • Malachi 3_16-18

    A very encouraging article, Tina! I wish I had had this to read when I was in that situation years ago. I had two young daughters and it was at times a big effort to focus on the messages when I was so busy with keeping them quiet and happy during church services. I made it through, and have many happy memories of those times, too! And now those little girls are all grown up and finding ways to serve their own congregations.

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