United Church of God

Home Office Holds Picnic for Staff and Families

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Home Office Holds Picnic for Staff and Families

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Milford, Ohio—On Wednesday, July 13, home office staff and their families gathered for a delicious employee appreciation lunch. The meal was catered by a local restaurant, Pickles and Bones Barbeque. Surrounded by good food and conversation, attendees were able to share games that brought everyone together. A short quiz asked participants to match each employee with a unique fact. These ranged from likes and dislikes to exciting life experiences. Of course, many of the answers sparked further conversations as employees got to know one another better. Additionally, employees were entered in a raffle, with tickets passed out as everyone enjoyed dessert. Outdoors, the children played sports and cooled down with water balloons.

Special thanks to all who collaborated to organize this event and to the volunteers who helped with set up and clean up. We look forward to another wonderful year of working together as a team!