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Local Church Updates: Houston South Sponsors Student in El Salvador

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Houston South Sponsors Student in El Salvador

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A young mother, Jeanette Bonilla, came to Houston, Texas, from El Salvador several months ago hoping to obtain employment in her field as a computer network administrator to pay off some debts. This required her to leave her two children behind with her mother in El Salvador.

Jeanette is a member of United in El Salvador, and she attended the Houston South congregation for several months. Once members realized the nature of her predicament, needing both added education and funding, they inquired about the possibility of "sponsorship" of Jeanette.

Houston South pastor, Ken Giese, spoke with Jeanette's pastor, Herbert Cisneros, about the sponsorship, and he was all in favor of it. So Jeanette has returned to El Salvador and is being sponsored by the UCG Houston South congregation so that she can take classes in information technology full-time while supporting her family. After completing these studies over the next 12 to 18 months, she will be able to further her career with a better paying job, and thus be better able to support her family, including two children, a boy, 14, and a girl, 12, and her mother.
Jeanette registered for six summer classes at Universidad Don Bosco in San Salvador on June 22, 2005, and started classes the same day. She is taking network administration, laboratory for local networks, digital systems and digital systems laboratory, and physics and physics laboratory. Many days' classes start at 7 a.m. and end at 6 p.m.

Jeanette will be staying in touch with the members of Houston South via monthly updates printed in our bulletin and via e-mail with some of the brethren.