People Problems in the Pews

God wants us to learn to get along with all kinds of personalities and to love all of God’s children. Services are a workshop where we can practice human relations skills. Fellowship before and after services is a time to build and repair relationships.
God wants us to have a tough skin concerning our own feelings, but to be soft-hearted and sensitive concerning other people’s feelings. Rather than retreating and licking our wounds, God would have us focus on healing the hurts of others.
Even when there has been a serious conflict, God wants us to “turn the other cheek” and apply the biblical principles of peacemaking. (See Matthew 5:38-48.) Prayer, fasting, humility and diligent effort usually bring about reconciliation. Ministers are available to help as peacemakers. And when the other person won’t respond favorably, we can take comfort knowing we tried our best to do it God’s way.
People problems are nothing new. In the epistles, we read of many conflicts among members and instructions on how they were to solve them. We can apply those instructions to solve similar problems.
Jesus Christ, during His ministry, suffered hostility and persecution from His enemies, and even desertion and betrayal by His followers. We can be extremely thankful that He didn’t give up and desert His mission or His disciples because of being hurt. We now owe it to Christ to follow His example of commitment by being committed to the Body of Christ.