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Remembering Answered Prayers

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Remembering Answered Prayers

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One evening during the Spring Feast I noticed that one of the buttons was lost! We searched the car thoroughly that evening and failed to find it. That night I prayed and mentioned to God that it was the only button of its kind and asked if He would please help us find it. The next morning we got in the car to go to services, and the button was sitting on the dashboard! I've found that we should break our prayers up fine and give God details of what blessings we want. For example, if you are looking for a home and you want one with a fireplace, ask God to find you one with a fireplace. We were transferred many times in our ministry and God always gave us what we asked for in housing—and more! When our children were little, we had a kitten that was mauled by one of our dogs, and the children were upset and thought it would die. I told them to ask God to heal him. They did, and the next morning they all ran out to the barn and looked for the kitten. They found him playing with the other kittens. They knew that God had answered their prayers! Another time when I was almost full term with our fourth child, the other three children ran to tell me they had accidentally locked the closet door and couldn't retrieve something they had put in there. I tried and couldn't open it either, so I encouraged them to pray and ask God to help them open the door. They did, and the door opened for them. These situations build faith in our children and teach them to ask God for help and blessings. As they grow up and have children of their own, they in turn build faith in their children to ask God for help and blessings!


  • KARS

    Thank you for this valuable lesson. Pray does work. It has helped me time and time again. :o)

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