United Church of God

Serve and Have the Best Feast Ever!

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Serve and Have the Best Feast Ever!

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I had lots of excess tithe in my pocket, and I had met my future husband! How could my first Feast of Tabernacles ever be topped! Well, it took 20 more Feasts, but my first dream Feast has been topped. You might ask, "How?" Well, it was topped by serving. An announcement had been made that ushers were needed for the Jekyll Island, Georgia, Feast site, and since that's where we were headed and my husband and two sons were serving on the parking crew, I decided to offer my services as an usher. How hard could it be? At home on the Sabbath I helped with hymnals anyway. Sometimes I helped with the count. My family and I arrived ahead of time for the scheduled parking and ushering meetings, which gave us an opportunity to meet the sound crew and Mike and Nancy Fike. While waiting for the meetings to begin, we assisted Mr. Fike with setting up the chairs. Then I helped count out the Holy Day offering envelopes that the ushers would make available the next day. That's when it hit me. I was assisting with God's work! Wow! While my husband and the boys attended the meeting for the parking crew, I attended the meeting for the ushers. We were given information packets to review, sections of the hall were allocated to each of us and after a few tips from the old-timers, we were told to report for duty that night one hour before services. One hour before opening night services I had reported for duty. But I started worrying. What did you get yourself into, Faye! You are the biggest chicken you know, and you volunteered to do what? At home a good crowd might mean 80 or 90 people. The Feast? We're talking about over 1,000! Where's the nearest exit? There was nothing I could do now. I couldn't back out of my duties, so I prayed. "God, give me the wisdom and courage I need to serve your people here at the Feast." And do you know what? God gave me the courage to do what I was there for—to be about my Father's business. After the initial shock, I relaxed and did my job of ushering. I passed out hymnals and found seats. By the end of services, I knew I could handle the job and would enjoy it too! I met more people at this Feast than I had in the last 19 Feasts put together. I made the first move to introduce myself and made new friends. It wasn't just "good morning" and move along. I stayed and we talked. I just plain had a blast! Twenty years ago I asked the question, "How could my first Feast of Tabernacles ever be topped?" It was topped by serving. Want to have the best Feast ever? Serve!

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