United Church of God

So, You Want to Promote the Gospel? Here's How!

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So, You Want to Promote the Gospel? Here's How!

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In the last number of years, there has been a growing passion among the members within the Church to become more involved in promoting the gospel. There have been seminars and lectures and discussions of all sorts about how this can be better accomplished. Even though we've had the Good News waiting room and brochure programs, there is still a desire among many to become more fully involved. But, just how to do this has been the burning question. Surprisingly, there is an answer, and it is quite simple. It is biblically based, and we can start on it today.

First, I'd like to share some personal thoughts. Two years ago, a number of pastors, including myself, were placed on reduced salary. Eventually I was able to find a part-time job at a reputable company. It appeared that my opportunities to do the Work of God would be limited, but I was wrong.

All of us realize that people in this society are suffering. The world is devoid of God's understanding and purpose. It is truly an unhappy world. Fellow workers would talk about the pain in seeing their relatives die from cancer. Others would mention how devastated they were in learning about a loved one killed in an automobile accident. These people had no concept of the resurrection. People cried at work, and many were hurting from the trials of life. It seemed that the various depressions, heartaches and fears were just accepted as a part of normal everyday living. These people desperately needed help and hope.

I felt deeply that the gospel needed to be preached to these people. But, how to do this was the question. Even though my coworkers knew that I was a pastor, and that I was always off on Saturdays, they didn't seem interested in wanting to hear about the beliefs of the Church. To initiate discussion about Jesus and His message would immediately turn people off. At this same company, one young man was trying to evangelize, but it was noticeable that people tended to back away from him.

So, what to do? As we know, God wants all people to be in His Kingdom, including our fellow employees, neighbors and school friends. According to 1 Peter 2:11-12, we need to abstain from worldly lusts and act in a way that continually glorifies God.

This is an all-encompassing daily responsibility. We cannot complain or get angry or get jealous like the others around us. We can't swear or use vulgar language, nor should we gossip or run down the management at work. We must not steal or lie or cheat. Not only do we have to uphold the values and rules of our companies, but more so the values of God in everything. Most of us realize this isn't always easy, but each new day becomes a challenge and an opportunity to allow God's way of life to shine forth.

The answer of how to individually promote the gospel has been in the Bible all the time. Anyone can do it, from the 80-year-old widow to the 6-year-old kindergarten child; from the elder to the newest baptized member. The answer is found in 1 Timothy 4:12: "Be an example."

I became fully convinced that this is what God expected of me and of every member in His Church. God wants all of us to set an example in word, deed, conversation, faith and love. This means that each person with whom we come into contact must see a real sincere and genuine Christian example. The teller at the bank, the cashier at the store, the school teacher, the coworker and the neighbor down the road all need to see that we are the living expression of a godly life.

How friendly are we, really? How kind and sympathetic are we? Does God's Spirit of love, joy, peace, gentleness and goodness flow from our actions? Are we positive and helpful? This individual promotion of the gospel is just as important as the work done on TV, radio or by a booklet or magazine. The gospel preached by media is truly important, but the light of the gospel can also shine through our examples.

Yes, there are times when we will need to speak about the values of God when asked (1 Peter 3:15-16). We can say a lot without sounding religious, and still speak about the benefits of God's way of life. However, we require God's help in this. Therefore, daily prayer becomes a necessity for the wisdom and godly kindness in order to say and do the right things at the right times. This is a challenge of supreme magnitude.

After giving notice that I was to be rehired back into the full-time ministry, something interesting happened. Friends at work began asking questions about the Church. It now seemed that they were really curious, interested and intrigued. In fact, one man had remembered a neighbor who kept the Sabbath, and he asked, "Herbert Armstrong?" After some discussion, he requested a copy of the Bible Study Course that we produce, and he is now reading it.

Setting an example in our daily living is the highest and most valuable aspect of doing the Work of God. We must not neglect the fact that God has called each of us to reflect His example in this world of darkness. We need to allow the light of God's Spirit to shine forth in everything we do. This is our calling and our work. Let's do it with all humility and with all diligence. We can start today!