United Church of God

The Test of Time

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The Test of Time

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Thabo was tidying up the back of the farm shed. As he was removing some rusted pieces of metal, he noticed a metal rod. While he did not know what it was, he noticed that its grooves, threads and splines were still good. The rust and dirt were only superficial.

His father explained that it was a steering rod from Thabo's grandfather's Ford car, which had been damaged in an accident. The wreck was dismantled and the frame and wheels were made into the farm trailer that they were still using.

During its useful days, the steering rod was used to steer the car. It kept its shape despite the bumps and knocks the car went through. When it was thrown behind the farm shed, it was exposed to the weather, and yet it retained its shape and quality. It still could be used! It had stood the test of time.

The Christian is expected to be like this steering rod. God selects who to call like one would choose the materials to use in building a car or a house (John 6:44). This should give us confidence that our Father called us and has confidence that we will make it. God then shapes us to fit into His plan.

As we go through life, God puts us through tests. At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ described some of these tests: "And the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on the house" (Matthew 7:25, 27). While there are many conditions that test our faith, let's consider some scriptures about rain, floods and winds.

The Rain

In Deuteronomy 32:2 God through Moses says that His teaching is like rain and dew on the tender herb. Once we are in the Church, the doctrines are taught under very nice conditions. But we also find that doctrine sometimes goes against our physical likes and interests. We cannot just go to football matches on the Sabbath. We are expected to support the work of God through our tithes despite economic hardships. It is at such points that we can become like the people Paul described in 2 Timothy 4:3-4, who cannot stand sound doctrine.

The Floods

In Revelation 12:15 Satan is described as producing a flood in order to carry away the woman, picturing the Church. Here we see that the floods can be problems emanating from Satan aimed at the Church and at individuals.

These are like times when people lose their jobs because of the Sabbath or other Holy Days. I know of a person who was kicked out of both training school and his home because of obedience to God. I know of a woman who was assaulted by her husband because of obedience to God. During medieval times people were burned alive because of rejecting false doctrines.

Revelation 12:16 says that the earth swallowed up the flood. God does work things out for us in such times. The fellow who was kicked out of college and home was taken in by one of the brethren the same day. Within a week he got a place for training at another college. Today he is a qualified teacher. Remember also Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego.

When the floods come, shall you and I stand?

The Winds

In Ephesians 4:14 there is mention of winds of doctrine. The Church has always had these winds. Peter shows that there were false prophets in the past, and there will be false prophets among us (2 Peter 2:1-2). To withstand these, it takes a Christian who will always remember the shaping he was given.

How much has spiritual rust affected us? Have we maintained our spiritual shape over the years?

I would like us to earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints (Jude 3). Our work is surely going to be tested (1 Corinthians 3:13). But there is also a promise in James 1:12 that when we have endured, we shall receive a crown of life.

The steering rod was still usable after it stood the test of time. We should be the same over the years. When Jesus Christ returns, we should expect to hear Him say, "Well done, good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25:21). UN