United Church of God

Treasure Digest: Let's Win the Race!

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Treasure Digest

Let's Win the Race!

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Recently I watched the popular movie Seabiscuit. After it was over, the tears just flowed as I thought of all the lessons that I learned from this movie based on a true story. The movie started with a broken horse, a broken young man (Red Pollard) and two men who reached out to help them mend and rebuild from all the damage done by neglect, abuse, being abandoned and the hard knocks of life. They helped them not only mend, but become champions! To win the race! To become better than they thought they could ever be. It was also a movie of courage. After getting on top, both horse and rider sustained crippling injuries that seemed impossible to overcome. But with the will and determination to not give up, once again they regained their championship. They did the seemingly impossible! Our race in this life is much like the story of Seabiscuit. God has called many of us who have been broken by the difficulties of life. We are people who have many obstacles to overcome to win the final prize. God's goal is to mend us, to challenge us beyond our wildest dreams, to help us to not give up. Most of all, it's to help us reach out and win the prize of a lifetime. Our golden prize will never tarnish but will last for eternity. Sometimes it can become difficult to see through the clouds of trials and see that golden prize. Sometimes is seems that our opponent, Satan, will overtake us and cause us to be defeated. We can be like Seabiscuit who had a determination to not be beaten. During a race, when he caught sight of the horse he was racing against, he took off like lightning and left the other horse in the dust. When we feel that we are losing the race, we can reach up to our Trainer and ask for renewed strength, a new fire within us to get up and get going again. Without the special care of a great trainer and jockey, Seabiscuit would not have become a champion horse. Without the jockey being taken in, encouraged and cared for by a special benefactor, he would have never ridden a champion horse. Our Trainer and Benefactor, God, is there to make sure that we win the race that He has set before us. We need not go it alone! With God's help we can win the race!