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Treasure Digest: The Case Against Darwin

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The Case Against Darwin

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The Case Against Darwin (Why the Evidence Should Be Examined) by James Perloff (published by Refuge Books) is a concise exposé of some of the problems with the theory of evolution. The book has only three chapters and is only 83 pages long. It is, however, well documented with over four pages of references. (It is a condensed version of the author’s 321-page Tornado in a Junkyard: The Relentless Myth of Darwinism.)

Chapter 1 covers some of the social consequences of the theory of evolution. It has influenced the thinking of society for the past 150 years. Its connection with some of the terrible atrocities of our times is given. Historian Will Durant gives a good overview. As quoted on page 18, he said, "By offering evolution in place of God as a cause of history, Darwin removed the theological basis of the moral code of Christendom. And the moral code that has no fear of God is very shaky. That’s the condition we are in."

In chapter 2, Mr. Perloff offers seven evidences against Darwin’s theory. He reviews things like mutations, the complexity of the simplest cells and the "irreducible complexity" (page 16) of biochemical systems. The astronomical improbability of the old argument that given enough monkeys, typewriters and time, the works of Shakespeare could be produced is explained.

In the last chapter some supposed evidences used to support the theory are reevaluated. Ideas like Haeckel’s embryos (page 53), which I have seen in biology textbooks, have been shown to be fakes. The argument that blood and seawater have the same percentage of salt content is also totally erroneous.

The book was interesting and informative. It was a pleasure to read about some of the wonders of creation without the incessant assertions that everything evolved. The last sentence in the book says, "Science is about the truth, and it neither fears nor suppresses the search for it" (page 76). Unfortunately, too often truth is suppressed if it has any connection to God.

— Thomas Seltzer
Elder, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, congregation

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  • prodigal_son

    The debate on evolution has long since become a combination of deception and bible bashing. Evidence that supports evolution is trumpeted by every journal and many news papers.

    Its difficulties and omissions are kept hidden away. The "Origin of species" has nothing to say about the origin of life.

    Evolution is littered with fake evidence, that still festers in the mind of the public, long after scholars have rejected it.

    There are still people who believe that all the amino acids needed for life can be made in a simulation of early earth conditions. The Miller-Urey experiment is believed by many to have all but proved life can be made in a lab simulation.

    Problems with the experiment include:

    1. The original conditions are not correct.
    2. The product were separated off, not possible in the original setting, and the same processes that formed them would destroy them.
    3. Tar was formed in the experiment, a toxic and biologically useless substance.

    Other experiments have been conducted and the debate continues. But the popular perception is that this experiment all but created life, which is a long way from the truth.

    Even reading the account in Wikipedia shows an alarming lack of objectivity. The salient points of the ongoing debate are not highlighted and are barely present.

    Good science requires objectivity, and open-ended reasoning. Evolution is presented with all the certainty of Newton's laws, but it's pedigree is far less distinguished.

    A theory should make provable predictions, Evolution is conspicuously lacking in this area.

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