Treasure Digest
Who's Watching You?
My son called me recently to relay an exciting story. Josh, my youngest son, was working for a moving company. On one of his jobs he was moving in a newly hired CEO for several companies for the Cincinnati area.
After he had worked hard all day moving this man in, the man called him over and handed him a $100 tip. The man told him who he was and what his new job was. He told Josh that he had watched him all day and was very impressed by how hard he worked, while he thought the other workers were slackers. He noticed how Josh had to work even harder to make up for his coworkers slacking.
He went on to tell my son that if he wanted a job, he would be hired on the spot. He handed my son a business card and told him to call. When my son called the personnel department the next day, the CEO had already called ahead of time to make sure that he would be hired.
Josh had no clue that he was being watched. He had no idea that his hard work ethic had such an impact on someone else that would create a new job opportunity for him.
This example reminded me of an address that Clyde Kilough gave to the 2006 ABC graduating class. Mr. Kilough talked about being like a mirror. As a mirror can reflect light into a dark place, we, too, should shine in a darken world by our example. Mr. Kilough handed out pieces of a mirror to all the students to remind them to reflect God's light in a darkened world by their godly example. Christ reminded His disciples that they were to be the light of the world, and we should be too.
Josh did that by his work ethic. He let his light shine, not by preaching, but by his hard work, which had a profound effect on the person watching him.
So how do we let our light shine in a darkened world? Matthew 5:14-16 gives the answer. "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."
Reflect a bright light with a godly example, for you never know who might be watching you!