United Church of God

Tribute to a Retiring Employee

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Tribute to a Retiring Employee

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On Tuesday, Aug. 9, home office employees gathered to honor mail processing and donation processing employee, Emma Kennebeck, who retired the same day.

After fellowshipping over breakfast, coworkers recounted numerous stories and memories of working with Emma over the years. She and her husband Richard began working for the Church in the mid-70s. She recounted that when the United Church of God first began, she remembers opening and processing mail from the home of Victor and Beverly Kubik.

Emma and Richard took a short hiatus from Church employment 26 years ago and moved to Dallas, Texas. When the home office relocated to Cincinnati in 1998, they relocated to Ohio and reentered the employ of the Church. Richard managed the Information Technology department for the next 24 years, and Emma worked in the Mail Processing department up until the day she retired. She was a key member of that department and will be greatly missed, especially for her big smile and wonderful laugh.

Peter Eddington notes: “Emma’s contribution to the Media Department has been enormously appreciated and she will be greatly missed. My wife, Terri, and I have personally appreciated the kindness, integrity and solid character [Richard and Emma] have exemplified through these many years we have known them.”

Emma is originally from northeastern Kentucky, and living in Ohio brought her nearer to her birthplace and many of her family members. However, upon retiring she and Richard are moving to the Orlando, Florida, area where he will assume the pastorate of the Jacksonville and Orlando UCG congregations. Emma said that for the first few weeks after arriving in Florida, her focus will be to relax by the pool!

Connie Seelig writes: “Emmie will be truly missed in the Mail Processing Department. She was my soulmate as we worked together for 24 years. Emmie was always willing to do whatever was asked of her and is one of the most dependable people I know. She was more than a coworker. We worked through many personal crises together over the years—helping me to grow personally. I know she will be a huge help to her husband in his new role as a church pastor.”

Fellow coworker, Ronda Creech, adds: “Emma will be greatly missed in our office room. She worked very hard and knew how to keep all the different sections of our work flowing smoothly for what needed done and in what order. I will miss her immensely for the love and kind-heartedness she showed. She was always there with good wisdom or her caring smile to help. I know she will be a great help to the Florida congregations as a pastor’s wife.”

Retired coworker, Doris Phelps, reminisces: “I worked with Emma, side by side (almost), for 15 years and have known Em now for nearly 25 years. Through her trials and heartache, she always stayed positive and looks forward to Christ’s return. I love her smile and laughter and sense of humor and her Christian attitude. Wishing her the best in her new role as ‘pastor’s wife.’”

Caroline Foraker adds: “Emma has served the church for most of her life, and I have greatly enjoyed working with her these past few years. She’s compassionate and kind and she’s very hardworking, but knows when and how to make work fun. I’ve very much admired her patience when it comes to teaching all of us and her willingness to answer our endless questions, especially when we’re asking how to do something for the 10th time. I will miss her laughter and bright smile around the office, but am excited for her to enjoy her retirement in Florida!”

Emma’s husband Richard shares: “Emma has so enjoyed her years of serving God in the various responsibilities that she has had through the years. Those responsibilities were not just jobs to her—they were an important part of her life. I loved seeing the excitement in her as she talked about a letter that someone wrote to the church or about the children she was helping in Imperial Schools. Her heart was always filled with God’s work.”

Emma and Richard have two daughters, Richelle and Elesha, who both live in the Cincinnati area along with their four grandchildren.

The United Church of God gratefully acknowledges the service and dedication of Emma over these many years. We pray for God to be with Emma and Richard as they begin the next chapter of service in their lives.

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