How Correct is Political Correctness?

Sometimes it seems like political correctness (PC) has been around forever. Some commentators peg the beginning of political correctness within the decade of the 1980s.
But the politically correct movement already had a foundation long before that in moral relativism and in situation ethics. Both of these philosophies are based on the idea that there is no such thing as "absolute truth." Those of us who know and accept the "absolute truth" of the Bible know that such thinking is flawed. We also discover that there is more to the business of PC than "correctness."
PC is so prevalent and powerful because it is based on our innate desire for love, peace and justice for the underdog. But without the true biblical principles to guide these desires, they can run amok.
What does it sound like?
PC nouns and adjectives include words such as "privileged," "entitled," "majority rule," "diversity" and "individual rights." While "tolerance" is a favorite buzzword of the politically correct, PC actually creates its own intolerance that often quickly shouts down alternative viewpoints.
You'll hear all about "imperialism" in history, "reason" in English, "exploitation" in economics, "evolution" as fact in biology and "connecting to the greater world" in sociology. And, if you listen very carefully, you'll hear that the words spoken are not really about equal opportunity for all.
How does it look and feel?
PC embraces minorities, but not because it respects everyone like God does or as the Constitution of the United States and its amendments advocate. According to author and radio host Laura Ingraham, political correctness uses polarization to reinforce division and ends up creating classes among our citizens (Shut Up and Sing, 2003, p. 62).
Your PC classroom will be one with an emphasis on personal right of choice—but, when you stand back and take an overview, this turns out to be a shortsighted approach that is rarely for the collective good of all. The barometer of the politically correct movement tends to be the gratification of one person or one particular group of people.
Your PC classroom will be one in which each student is encouraged to lobby for that right of choice but will rarely follow up on the personal responsibility needed in taking that action.
In the politically correct worldview, abortion is a reproductive right and homosexuality is an alternative lifestyle just as valid as any other. All religions, from animism to Wicca, are equal (except one that would claim to know absolute truth). You'll be made to feel ostracized and intimidated if you hold an alternative opinion.
What difference does it make to you?
While being politically correct will put you in a generally comfortable place with your professors and peers, it will slowly take you away from biblical values.
Our freedoms grant us the ability and the opportunity to contribute to a healthy, functional society through personal choice, personal responsibility and personal accountability. This is obviously a better choice.
How can you be prepared to deal with it?
As your college schedule gets more demanding, be sure to set aside time to continue learning about God's gifts. These precious gifts include having a sound mind, peace, gentleness, kindness, self-control, joy, goodness, love, faithfulness and personal responsibility.
Never close your mind's door to discernment. Be aware of current events. Pick up a couple of books for summer reading that deal with the PC topic (such as Bias by Bernard Goldberg or Shut Up and Sing by Laura Ingraham). Talk with your friends and encourage one another to stand up for the integrity of a giving way of life.
As you enter and progress through your higher education, remember the sounds, sights and feelings of the politically correct movement. Be prepared and ready to understand the difference between the counterfeit and truth.