United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 146.
Bible Study Course Lesson 10
by United Church of God
The Bible uses several analogies to teach us about God's Church—how it is organized, how it works and how we should relate to the Church and each other. One of these compares the Church with something close at hand—our amazing human body.
Is God a Trinity?
by United Church of God
Scripture tells us that "the Lord our God, the Lord is one"—from which some believe three persons exist as one God. But is this really what the Bible reveals?
Bible Study Course Lesson 7
by United Church of God
God demonstrates His love through His many promises that relate to our receiving salvation and eternal life.
Bible Study Course Lesson 10
by United Church of God
For many people a church is mostly a social club or a place to be seen as an upstanding member of the community. But God had a bigger purpose in mind for His called-out people. We can have a role in the greatest work being done on earth...
Bible Study Course Lesson 6
by United Church of God
To enter into and share in the Kingdom of God is consistently given as the ultimate goal of believers in Christ.
Bible Study Course Lesson 10
by United Church of God
Today, with so many churches professing Christianity while teaching widely divergent doctrines, how can we recognize the Church? What are the hallmarks of God's Church? What does it teach? What does it do?
Bible Study Course Lesson 12
by United Church of God
Through these festivals God, through His written Word, regularly reminds us of His awesome and loving plan for humanity.
This is The United Church of God
by United Church of God
The highlight of each year for members of the United Church of God is the biblical Feast of Tabernacles. Among the sacred feasts God revealed to ancient Israel, this festival lasts seven days and is immediately followed by a separate but...
Bible Study Course Lesson 10
by United Church of God
God's love is like a mother's love for her children, but God's love goes much deeper. God's true Church conducts herself as a caring mother toward her children.
