United Church of God

A Scroll for the "Worthy One "and the Last Trumpet:

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A Scroll for the "Worthy One "and the Last Trumpet:

MP3 Audio (69.37 MB)


A Scroll for the "Worthy One "and the Last Trumpet:

MP3 Audio (69.37 MB)

All of Humanity waits for a time when the redemption of mankind will begin. The Bible calls that time the Last Trumpet or the First resurrection. Prior to that time is a series of events that will shake the earth and prepare it for the Coming Kingdom of God. The initiating step is a pictural story of Jesus, the Christ, accepting a scroll that ONLY He is worthy to open. The scroll contains in a sense the inheritance or deed to the earth being granted to Him by His Father. Join us today as we follow the progression of events leading up to the Last Trumpet prophesied so very long ago.