United Church of God

BUT Noah Found Grace: Genesis 6:8

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BUT Noah Found Grace

Genesis 6:8

MP3 Audio (43.27 MB)


BUT Noah Found Grace: Genesis 6:8

MP3 Audio (43.27 MB)

As we exit from the recent pilgrimage festivals, how can we move forward as spiritual pilgrims not merely moving towards a festival event, but embrace an existence as spiritual pilgrims every moment of life? Let's explore and discover the grand significance behind the tiny word of "but" in regard to one man alone, who built a boat that traversed two ages / two worlds to a new beginning. How can we become "BUT __" as we emulate Noah's pilgrimage in a craft that had neither a sail, a rudder, or an anchor. But, why? 5 specific action steps will be shared as to how to continue on our pilgrimage to a new age in Christ.