Who Will Be the Next Leader of the Free World?

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Who Will Be the Next Leader of the Free World?

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Will the next U.S. president still be the leader of the free world?

Before Inauguration Day on January 20th another president will be on the world stage who could ultimately have greater power and influence in the free world than the American president. This position does not yet exist. But plans are now in place to appoint the first federal president of the European Union (EU).

This 27 member union surpassed the U.S. as the world's biggest single market when it expanded from 15 to 25 member countries in May 2004. Two additional countries were added later. Even more wait on the sidelines, hoping they can join. Just a few weeks ago, with the dollar falling and the euro rising, the 15 countries of the euro zone became the world's largest market. The U.S. now leads Europe in only one category—its military power. In every other respect the EU is more powerful.

As Washington Post Bureau Chief T. R. Reid put it in his 2004 book, The United States of Europe: "The new United States of Europe, to use Winston Churchill's phrase, has more people, more wealth, and more trade than the United States of America. The New Europe cannot match American military strength (and doesn't want to). But it has more votes in every international organization than the United States, and it gives away far more money in development aid. The result is global economic and political clout that makes the European Union exactly what its leaders want it to be: a second superpower that can stand on equal footing with the United States" (Prologue).

The EU is the world's largest trading bloc, and EU member nation Germany is the world's single biggest trading nation. At a time when the rising euro should lead to exporting fewer goods, Germany is increasing its sales overseas. Dozens of nations have trade agreements with the EU, which adds to its power and influence.

The new European Treaty is set to come into force on January 1, 2009. It provides for an EU diplomatic force to represent the union around the world, and for the appointment of the first EU president. There will be no popular election; in fact people in one EU member nation are rarely familiar with the politicians in another. The appointment will be made by the leaders of the 27. It is still unknown who the first president will be.

There is also increasing talk of expanding the European Army. According to the BBC's "Newshour" (June 6), the EU Army now has peace keeping forces in twenty countries. Because of growing threats around the world, there are calls for an expanded army that could handle urgent problems arising anywhere on earth. This will almost certainly come if the U.S. chooses to shrink its global defense role after the election.

No matter who wins the U.S. presidential race, financial reality will soon set in. The U.S. is broke. Rising inflation is due to an increase in the money supply as the U.S. Federal government throws money indiscriminately at every problem!

The United States is now where Britain was in 1945. At the end of six years of conflict the UK was bankrupt. Inevitably, London lost its position of preeminence in the world and was replaced by the U.S.

Similarly, the U.S. is going to have to withdraw from many of its international commitments for the same economic reasons. Who will replace the U.S.?

The Bible shows us that at the climax of this age—immediately before the second coming of Jesus Christ—another superpower will exist, a modern successor to the ancient Roman Empire.

"The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. These will make war with the Lamb …." (Revelation 17:12-14).

A horn is a symbol of political leadership. The leaders of ten political entities will form this final resurrection of the biblical "Beast" power. That's ten, not 27. Clearly, more developments must occur to get from where Europe is now to the final ten. It doesn't seem that all EU nations will be in that final military union. But the growing economic and political power of the EU is leading it inexorably toward that prophetic moment when "all the world marveled and followed the beast" (Revelation 13:3).