Weeds and Deeds

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Weeds and Deeds

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A person of words and not deeds is like a garden full of weeds. Both reflect the amount of weeding that was done during the growing season. If the weeds are allowed to grow, they will get very large and deep roots, which are almost impossible to pull up.

If we pull the weeds of sin, and throw them away immediately, they cannot take deep root. The more we are able to put God first in our lives, the more quickly we are able to stop the process of sin from taking root in our minds. James wrote that he showed his faith by his deeds. Weeds don't grow on an active highway.

Strong roots in Christ Jesus brings us spiritual stability. If indeed we put Him first, we will bear much fruit.

Further Reading:
Bible Study Course Lesson 9, section " The Fruit of the Spirit". Online at " www.gnmagazine.org/bsc/09/thefruit.htm