What God Likes to Hear

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What God Likes to Hear

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Does the idea of someone listening in on private conversations bother you? What would you think if you knew someone recorded your every word?

The Bible tells us that God listens and hears (focuses His attention on) those who fear Him and speak to one another. God delights in hearing those who fear Him speak words of encouragement, discuss scriptures and share Christian joys and experiences with others who are like-minded. He says that He will put these people in a book of remembrance and make them His jewels—His special treasure.

Read all about how God listens to conversations of those who fear Him in Malachi 3:16-17.


  • fair64
    Since finding out God's truth about keeping the Sabbath and connecting with the NYC congregation under Mr. Howard Davis, I look for opportunities to talk about how my relationship with the Father has opened up. Learning about how He expects me to show my love for Him by obeying His commandments has opened up to me so much excitement and joy....I am truly astonished that I have found Him, but find Him I have. Keeping the Sabbath is the best thing I've ever done for myself and I tell alot of people I come in contact with that I am a Sabbath keeper. I understand that only the Father can draw people to Jesus and the truth about His Kingdom, but I do look for opportunities to pass on the amazing booklets that first opened my eyes to His amazing truth. I believe that our Father is watching me in my new found joy, and I thank Him for the gift of His invitation to the wedding feast, His gift of true repentance, and I look so forward to His gift of His amazing Holy Spirit when Mr. Davis baptizes me and lays his God blessed hands on me. Hallelujah!!!
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