International News at a Glance
Dentist to Return to Rwanda
Not only were the bonds of unity and love among brethren reinforced by last year's project, but United's reputation was also greatly enhanced, which makes the work of the Church easier and more acceptable to local authorities.
Dr. Swartz has again volunteered to do basic dental care for our brethren in Rwanda during the second and third weeks of April 2007. The cost includes Dr. Swartz's travel, facilities rental and supplies. We will work cooperatively with the Centre Hospitalier de Kigali Hospital in Kigali. Approximately 30 to 40 members will travel to Kigali for treatment. Regional coordinator Joel Meeker will be in Rwanda for the start of the project with Dr. Swartz, act as translator as needed and conduct other Church business while in Rwanda.
The total estimate needed for this Good Works project is $6,400.