Over 1,000 Grateful for Winter Family Weekend 2012

It was held from Dec. 21-25 at the Great Wolf Lodge in Mason, Ohio, which was the main event area for lodging. Its spacious conference center was devoted exclusively to us. The water park and its fun-filled pools were a delight for many. The spacious rooms with microwaves and fridges helped with the meals in the room.
The participants enjoyed the Bible study by Frank Dunkle on “Best Friends Forever” to begin the weekend. He cited several examples of friendships in the Scriptures and gave us principles of being loyal friends. Sabbath seminars for teens and adults were well attended with standing room only in several of the sessions. Young folks kindergarten through grade five had two sessions while the Sabbath seminars were taking place.
Sabbath services were webcast to many congregations as musical talent was displayed before the sermon, given by Rick Beam and titled “The Mindset of a Helping Hand.” He encouraged all to reach out and help those in need and not to give up on them because they aren’t doing so well at the present time. He used the story of the racehorse Seabiscuit and her handlers as examples of those who did not give up on what was considered inferior.
Saturday evening a “Welcome to Ambassador” event was enjoyed by about 200 over the course of a few hours. The event had snacks, cake, refreshments and a cash bar open to all ambassador alumni, as well as anyone who may attend ABC in the future and all other brethren.
Saturday evening was also host to the teen dance (as organized by Jan Cook and her staff) with its theme of “Hometown Heroes” and DJ Michael Ball handling the music. The adult dance (organized by Amy Stephens and her aides) was well attended (even by some older teens). It had an Arabian theme and Rudy Rangel handled the DJ responsibilities.
Sunday began more seminars for adults based on the theme of the weekend, “Our Incredible Future.” The presenters were prepared and delivered a variety of topics to keep the interest of the audiences. Several of the presenters ran out of handouts as the seminars were so well attended. Thanks to all who had a part in the presentations. Peter Eddington and his technical crew made sure that the mics and projectors were set up for the events. They also handled the webcast of the Bible study and Sabbath service. Troy Phelps, assistant event coordinator, was always around to check on needs for the seminars.
The sports venues were filled with volleyball and basketball teams anxious to don their jerseys, join their teams and have fun playing together. There were 29 volleyball teams and 14 basketball teams. There was ultimate Frisbee and also flag football—with the Minnesota team still dominating in football. There was playing time for those of all ages, and having the pre-teens just across the parking lot for their activities made the events easy to manage for family and officials. After three days of exciting play, it all came down to the championship games in volleyball and basketball. The team known as Smith Plus Two defeated the Live to Jump team in the volleyball final match. Both teams were undefeated, except Live to Jump had lost to Smith Plus Two previously, and once again were defeated in the championship game.
In basketball, there were many close games, which made the fans excited to see the outcomes. Chattanooga, last year’s winner, suffered a few injuries that hindered them from putting the best team on the floor. They ended up third in the elimination round on Tuesday. The final game was between Dark Horse from the Northwest and Old School from the Midwest. In a see-saw battle, Old School prevailed in the end after Dark Horse held the lead for most of the first half. Congratulations to all who played and enjoyed the fellowship as well as the sporting events.
We are grateful for the many volunteer referees and the organizers of the sporting areas—Mike Cook, Duane Phelps and Rudy Rangel along with their helpers—who gave of their time so that others might play with supervision and within the rules.
There were corn hole and other games (run by John McClain and Charles Preston along with several helpers) available during dances and other events, which were enjoyed along with fellowshipping. Movies were available for children during adult activities.
A new activity was added this year. It was an arts expo featuring visual arts from the teens and members along with performing arts. The performing arts room was filled to capacity for the musicians and dancers to showcase their talents. Many appreciated the artwork that was displayed. There are many talented members in the Church. Sunday evening was the family day with visits to the water park, games and the performing arts, karaoke and the musical jam session.
The family dance on Monday (organized by Roy and Barb Fouch and helpers) displayed a winter theme, and Randy Curran supplied the music as DJ. The room was filled with brethren and families enjoying a variety of music suitable to all. Some, of course, were able to squeeze in another visit to the water park.
Tuesday concluded our stay at Great Wolf Lodge and the sports venues. The many helpers from the Church made the weekend run smoothly. We couldn’t have done it without you!
So now we will rest a little, evaluate what we did and what we may improve and set our eyes on next year when we will once again be back at Great Wolf Lodge to enjoy their great service to us. See you at the 2013 Winter Family Weekend.