Seven Truths From Jesus Christ About the Real Secret: The Kingdom of God

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Seven Truths From Jesus Christ About the Real Secret

The Kingdom of God

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Christ said the real secret of the universe, on which all of the past, present and future depends, is the Kingdom of God. Explaining His famous parable of the sower, He called descriptions of the way to enter the Kingdom of God and its principles "mysteries"—secrets or hidden truths most people don't understand (Matthew 13:11).

What are these great truths, these mysteries so few understand?

1. Human beings can be converted and raised up "at the last day" (John 6:40) to enter the Kingdom of God and eternal life. What Jesus meant was that we will live as children in a divine family with the Father and Son forever. Surprisingly, this will begin right here on earth. To learn more, request or download our free booklet The Gospel of the Kingdom.

2. Christ treated all of Scripture, which at that time consisted of what we call the Old Testament, as the Word of God—revealing the real secret. He said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4). In other words, the secrets of God are revealed in the Word of God, the Bible, and nowhere else. To learn more, request or download our free booklet Is the Bible True?

3. The law of God holds the key to the Kingdom of God. The law of God, summarized in the Ten Commandments, is the basic law of the universe. The law of God will bring true success. To learn more, request or download our free booklet The Ten Commandments.

4. The goal in life is to develop the character of God by conforming to Christ—not your human heart. Following your own inclinations apart from God will lead to death (Jeremiah 10:23; 17:9; Romans 8:7; Proverbs 16:25). Your greatest goal is not the selfish ambition to attract all the physical wealth and everything else you desire. To learn more, request or download our free booklet What Is Your Destiny?

5. Satan counterfeits and misrepresents spiritual truths and deceives mankind. In the parable of the sower, Jesus said, "When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not understand it, the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart" (Matthew 13:19). Anyone who believes in "the law of attraction" will not be able to understand and receive the truth about the Kingdom of God. The apostle Paul said the devil's teaching and spiritual control of the world would blind most from understanding the Kingdom of God and how man enters it through following Christ's teachings (2 Corinthians 4:4). To learn more, request or download our free booklet Is There Really a Devil?

6. God has given us the keys of overcoming—the spiritual process of conversion. It starts by giving up the kind of lifestyle of self-absorption laid out in the teaching of The Secret and The Law of Attraction. To enter the Kingdom of God, you have to give up the natural priorities of the self, sacrificing the self to be transformed into a new being with eternal life. Jesus Christ promises good things will come to each of us abundantly if we live a life of giving to others, not getting for ourselves. To learn more, request or download our free booklet Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion.

7. God will give us every good thing—but only in the coming Kingdom of God can we receive the glorious reward that will be greater than anything we can imagine in this life today. Jesus Christ's teaching is summed up in this: "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you" (Matthew 6:33). God wants you to inherit the Kingdom of God—the greatest secret in the universe that will transform you and all who choose to think, believe and act on it.

It's good news, and it's free. The real secret is what this magazine is all about.


  • Tle

    Secret 1

    The Kingdom of God is not an actual Kingdom. It is the right or authority to rule a kingdom. Instead of being the domain of the king it is in fact the dominion of the king. You have dominion over a domain. Properly understood it would translate to kingship in English. Check the number 1 defination in Strong's Concordance for kingdom to confirm.

    The first mystery of the Kingdom of God is that it's not a Kingdom. Its Kingship and it's not Gods, it's yours. Now enter into the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

  • Marena

    How can I learn more about understanding or accessing my kingship?

  • Nour-Eddine

    God does not know what is going to happen in the future but can predict the future based on what has happened in the past since time began, for if God could predict the future with certainty then we don't have any free will, and that goes against everything God stands for and his promise of never interfering with our free will. God is not responsible for your successes and failures in life and neither are your friends or enemies. You are responsible for all the lows and all the highs in your life. God does not help anyone. He leads you to the right place according to your inner thoughts and then you decide what action to take. God will never interfere with the free choice he has granted you. All of God's Messengers were given the the truth about everything. Some of them shared some of the truths with the rest of the world, some of them changed some of the truths and some of them invented new truths to suit the need of the time.

  • K_W_H
    Hi I am also very new here, I only joined today after following threads to what Paul meant in 1 Corinthians chapter 4 about God's secret truths. Somehow I felt it meant something more than the way Jesus spoke in parables so only those that lent an ear could understand and believe. He also mentions the real truths are only for those mature in their beliefs of Christ. God bless Ken
  • dziwczyna

    The Secret/Law of Attraction has the appearance as though it is a good thing, but it is deceiving and can tear your from having a good relationship with God.

    If you carefully examine the principles behind the Secret, it is really self-focused. You are the god. You make things happen, because of your positive thinking. If you are not thinking positively, then you are not making it happen either. It's all about you.

    Faith in God is different. God is not a magic genie. He always does what's best for us, on His timing, not our own. He provides for us blessings that are far above anything we think or ask at times. The key is that we have to obey Him even though things aren't going perfectly in our lives, and wait on Him.

  • Petrus

    Hi good day i am a christian and believe in the secret God said the old you must die and the new you must be born you should renew your mind you will never understand new ways if you stay stuck on your old believes you are created in Gods image and as God said now man has become like one of us the secret is not teaching that what what you made your mind up it teaches you to work in yourself everyday and not just working in the world as God said gather treasures in heaven not on earth and thats exacley what the secrst teaches you to start working in your garden how else can you transform your life stop being blind the secret is not a bad thing it just sharing a secret wich Jesus came to reveal whaich was there from the begining

  • mikeb

    I am new to the group here.I do have a question about the secret / law of attraction. I was raised a Catholic, tho I have question their beliefs in some areas! I do recall Sundays at church or even as a child masses during school time. I don't question a higher power. And because I was raised as a Catholic religion /faith Jesus has all been etched into my brain. So hard to change what u we're taught as a baby into my early teens! I have seen so much lies and deciet from a very early age I guess I question what I truly believe! Jesus did say ask and u shall receive, also I believe he told his apostles we all had the power to heal, we just don't know how to. Use this? ? Positive thinking can only provide good things and my faith I'm attatched to would obvisiouly be a part of that process. Jesus did say we are all connected as one? Is it we just don't have the will? ? I believe those with money and good fortune have the will ....and makes it easier to have such "will " and power if your life has no worries. Is this why Jesus taught his teachings to the poor? The sick? To give us the information needed to become better just thru our "will" and faith? So much does not make sence to me. I'm still searching for answers I think I may never find? If life has kept u down, your thoughts are all over, bills r due lights getting shut off loss of home. Those are the same people Jesus taught ...the ones suffering today. I believe it is as simple as it seems but u must have the "will" and faith to truly believe. Am I wrong?

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