World News and Trends: Ethiopians again facing starvation

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Ethiopians again facing starvation

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Time magazine reports that "despite years of aid from the West, millions of Africans are on the brink of starvation again" (Aug. 18, 2008). The Guardian added: "Despite appearances, a cycle of drought and escalating food prices is taking its toll" (Aug. 1, 2008).

Ethiopia is the main cause of concern. The Guardian article stated: "As hunger across the country grows, a shortfall in food aid resources and a grain shortage in the country's strategic reserves have forced the government to reduce the monthly rations it provides to more than 4 million Ethiopians."

The United States has sought to help Ethiopia. American aid is around $800 million, including $460 million in food aid and $350 million in help for the treatment of HIV/AIDS. The Time cover feature concluded: "The sobering lesson: Even the best efforts to eliminate hunger are expensive, slow and uncertain of success." (Sources: The Guardian [London], Time.)

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