Charles Darwin's 10 Mistakes

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Charles Darwin's 10 Mistakes

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1. "Warm little pond" theory: There is no solid evidence of life arising spontaneously from a chemical soup.

2. Simplicity of the cell theory: Scientists have discovered that cells are tremendously complex, not simple.

3. Theory about the cell’s simple information: It turns out cells have a digital code more complex and lengthy than any computer language made by man.

4. Theory of intermediate fossils: Where are the supposed billions of missing links in the evolutionary chain?

5. Theory of the variation of species: Genetic adaptation and mutation have proven to have fixed limits.

6. Theory of the Cambrian Explosion: This sudden appearance of most major complex animal groups at the same low level of the fossil record is still an embarrassment to evolutionists.

7. Theory of homology: Similarity of structures does not mean the evolution of structures.

8. Theory of ape evolution: Chimpanzees have not evolved into anything else. Neither has man.

9. Theory of the tree of life: Rather than all life branching from a single organism, evidence has revealed a forest of life from the very beginning.

10. Rejection of an intelligent designer: This opened the door for many to reject God, the Bible and Christianity.

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  • cjgennaro
    What would be an example of a transitional fossil series? Do you really think that DNA evolved? That all that information on how to run a cell formed itself? And simultaneously a cell-wall-like barrier to house the cell developed along with a method for obtaining energy from the environment around and a method for transforming and using that energy and everything needed to reproduce. Do you know that all this is needed to run a cell? To me, it is almost comical to believe all this came together on its own accord. The odds are literally astronomical. You could heap all the materialls for bulding a house together but the house will never assemble itself. And a house doenst even have the information and ability to reproduce itself. Life cannot evolve on its own. Life comes from life. This is the law of biogenesis for you what 'science' to answer everything.
  • Peter James

    // And simultaneously a cell-wall-like barrier//
    Who says it was simultaneous ? Lipids have cell walls and contain fats, oils, waxes, certain vitamins, hormones .

    Your argument is an argument from ignorance .

  • Tallgrass05

    Wow, this list of "errors" is so full of errors it's comical. Seriously, the language indicates the writer knows absolutely zilch about Darwin, evolution, and the origin of life.

    Let's take #4, for example.

    "4. Theory of intermediate fossils"

    Why do creationists keep floating this? There are beautiful transitional fossil series.

    Learn what "science" is. Learn what "science" isn't. Figure out what "scientific scrutiny" is.

  • OscarIsaac74

    there are beautiful transitional fossils.

    Really?? Please put to one that hasn't turned out to be a Fraud or simply not a transitional fossil

  • Peter James

    " When a seemingly large evolutionary gap is plugged with a remarkable new fossil, as happened just the other day with the discovery of a new primitive turtle from the Triassic, it just leaves two smaller gaps on either side. Now, instead of one gap in the fossil record there are two, and creationists argue that the fossil record is, paradoxically, even worse than it was before the new discovery. "

  • garnetstar

    There is solid evidence that life could have arisen from, literally, warm little ponds.

    Amino acids spontaneously polymerize into proteins under conditions that simulate tidal pools–i.e, hot dilute solutions of the acids, some salts, and a catalyst that is known to be formed under primitive Earth conditions. These proteins have also been found in nature in the lava and cinders of Hawaiin volcanic vents.

    The amino acids polymerize in specific, not random, order, determined by the thermodynamic and kinetic favorability of the addition of one specific amino acid to another.

    The proteins form microspheres that exhibit some cell-like properties, including budding, binary fission, and catalysis of some of the reactions that occur in modern cells.

    See the Wikipedia entry on Sidney Fox, and Fox’s article in Science and Creationism (ed. Ashley Montagu, Oxford University Press, 1984).

    You need to learn some chemistry.

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