In Brief... World News Review: Bioterrorism: Americans Poorly Prepared

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In Brief... World News Review

Bioterrorism: Americans Poorly Prepared

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A broad range of health officials recently observed that America is poorly prepared to deal with bioterrorism attacks. Bioterrorism embraces the intentional release of lethal substances into air, water and food supplies.

Said Senator Bill Frist of Tennessee, "For bioterrorism the number one inadequacy, if you had to rank them, is the inadequacy of our public health infrastructure. That is a product of about 15 years of neglect." Obvious lacks include doctors poorly trained to recognize symptoms which are sometimes similar to normal illnesses, and poorly equipped hospitals, sometimes even without fax machines to convey or receive vital information.

Perhaps since its inception the United States has gotten used to an intangible veil of protection that has somehow surrounded its national life and well being, the presence of which has enabled the nation to pursue its dreams with relative freedom from threats and worries. Increasing evidence indicates that this protection is gradually being withdrawn because of our declining standards and values (see Isaiah 5:4-5).

Source: International Herald Tribune[New York Times news service].

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