Treasure Digest
Swimming Upstream
It seems I am always looking at nature to find God's signature. I see this analogy in the spawning of salmon.
Salmon swim upstream, against the current to mate and die. In their attempt many are dashed on the stones and die in their efforts. Some are attacked and become a meal for predators such as the bear. But some make it all the way to the spawning pond and lay their seed and die.
We are like salmon. We must go against the adversity of the current lifestyle. We are battered by the rocks. Some of us get beyond the stone obstacles only to land in the jaws of a bear (Satan). But those of us who make it find peace, calm and tranquility in a spiritual pond. There we lay seeds and die knowing new ones will come along to replace us in the work yet to be done, and knowing that our great Creator will bring us back to life in His glorious Kingdom.