Treasure Digest
Kicking the Worry Habit
Worry is a bad habit—like smoking. So I have found a substitute for it that I will share for all my fellow worrywarts. Each day I take a scripture out of Psalms or Proverbs and mull it over all day long—when I am driving to the grocery store or when I catch myself starting to worry.
Yesterday's example is a good one to show you what I mean.
Psalm 5:8 says, "Lead me, O Lord , in Your righteousness because of my enemies; make Your way straight before my face."
As I mulled this over on the way to the swimming pool, I realized that I have no enemies, so I could eliminate that part—but not until I gave thanks to God for making my life enemy-free. Then the verse said only, "Lead me, O Lord , in Your righteousness; make Your way straight before my face."
On the way home from the swimming pool, I realized that meant the same thing as straight before my eyes. Then the verse began to impact me as a prayer I should pray. I now paraphrase it like this: "Lead me, O Lord , in Your righteousness and set it in front of my face so I cannot miss seeing it."
This works for me and keeps me from worrying myself into an early grave.