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Treasure Digest: Nothing Like It in the World

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Nothing Like It in the World

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Have you ever seen a large map of the interstate highways or the railroad system for the United States ? If so, you know that they're quite impressive. These systems have enabled transportation on an immense scale, and are a vital part of the infrastructure that allowed America to become a world superpower.

Now, momentarily erase that map from your mind, and imagine that there is... nothing. Not one road or track capable of transporting any form of motorized vehicle from one coast to another. This is the setting described in the book Nothing Like It in the World by noted historian Stephen Ambrose. In this work, he tells the wonderful story of how the unfathomable goal of creating a railroad from coast to coast was achieved.

It is fascinating to learn how the leaders and laborers of the Union Pacific Railroad, who built west from Omaha, Nebraska, and the Central Pacific Railroad, who built east from Sacramento, California, completed the transcontinental railroad. Despite daunting obstacles, these men prevailed at a seemingly insurmountable task.

This piece of American history offers several great spiritual lessons and hearkens to the future as well. At times the road we travel to the Kingdom of God can seem quite difficult and discouraging. Like the building of the railroad, it has many challenging obstacles. However, like the courageous laborers on this monumental project, we also must "endure to the end."

Another lesson is learned through the character of Theodore Judah, an ambitious young engineer who played an important role in the story. Unfortunately, he never saw the culmination of the railroad, which he had made his life's work. He was a visionary who truly believed in the need for the railroad before nearly anyone else did. Though he did not witness it in his lifetime, the nation reaped the fruits of his labors.

Like him, we also must be fully committed to a lofty goal and a glorious vision that we know will be accomplished.

In Isaiah 35:8-10, the Bible speaks of a much more important road, a "Highway of Holiness," and its description is wonderful. Those who travel on it will do so with singing, joy and gladness. God has given us the awesome opportunity to be visionary men and women like Theodore Judah. He has called us to see the need for the road, to believe it will happen and to do everything we can to prepare to help those who will one day travel it.

On a much greater scale than the Transcontinental Railroad, the Highway of Holiness will be a critical element of the growth of the heavenly country for which we all wait, the wonderful Kingdom of God . There will have been nothing else like it in the world!