United Church of God

The Second Death A Further Purpose

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The Second Death A Further Purpose

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God is almighty and supreme in every sense of the fullness of those words, so He created and knows what is good and righteousness. By definition, anything that is contrary to that is evil and sinful.

He is a loving Father and does not rejoice in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:23) and He is always working toward helping mankind choose the right way. In Ezekiel 3:18-21 we read about the warnings God sends to people through His servants and Church. He warns of punishment to come and encourages repentance. He also warns those who have repented to stay the course and not fall from their positions.

In Deuteronomy 30:15 Moses wrote: "See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil." God continues to encourage Israel, but also states the obvious in verse 18 where we read: "You shall surely perish."

The prospect of eternal death is mentioned in several places in the Bible. Jesus encourages Church members in Smyrna that if they continue to overcome, they will not be hurt by the second death (Revelation 2:11). Revelation 20:6, 14 addresses the second death. In Hebrews 6:4-6, we also read Paul's warning to the converted. Understanding that there is such a thing as a second death is an important deterrent to humans (converted as well as unconverted).

God would not make such a statement about a second death if it has no meaning or is a hollow and empty statement. Of course all humans die once, the Bible tells us (Hebrews 9:27). We understand that this first death comes to saints as well as sinners (Ecclesiastes 9:2, 5).

But most humans have not understood or even heard the gospel message. God is fair and just and will make sure everyone does have a chance. To this end, there is the resurrection of all who have died without understanding (including babies and other innocents) so they can live and learn.

This resurrection to physical life is described in Ezekiel 37 where we read of people who had been cut off from God now coming to understand Him. They will receive His Holy Spirit, which indicates repentance through Jesus Christ must come (Acts 2:38), and so our loving heavenly Father will act in fairness to all since He wants all men to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4).

It is obvious that if humans have died and then been resurrected to physical life again, they will either receive eternal life (after conversion) or eternal death (if they refuse salvation). The second death is an even greater deterrent to those resurrected than it to this present generation, because they have already died once. Death is real. It is not logical or possible to be resurrected to physical life a second time and not die again (second death)—if a person fails to reach salvation.

The threat of extinction in the second death must be a real and true threat or consequence, or it is meaningless. Not only does God have to complete His warning, He must carry it through. There must be a resurrection for those who have totally rejected every attempt made by God to help and guide them, and they must receive the penalty of sin—which is the second death.

They will join those of the second resurrection who have come to the end of the time God allows—and have failed. That penalty cannot be the first death, because even the converted experience that. We can see that this reality is a strong deterrent for us all. We would be wise to heed it.

There are three resurrections indicated in Scripture, but only two deaths. All humans are physical and the body does die—that is the first death. The saved are resurrected at Christ's return in the first resurrection unto eternal life (Revelation 20:6; 1 Corinthians 15:44).

Some humans will live through the Great Tribulation into the 1,000-year period reflected in the Feast of Tabernacles. They and their descendants will then have the opportunity to choose life or death, for at that time everyone will know the truth.

All people since the time of Adam and Eve who have died, including the innocent little babies, must have the time and opportunity needed to be able to choose (2 Peter 3:9; 1 Timothy 2:4). They will be given physical life and be taught the truth. This is the second resurrection and will take place after the 1,000-year period. Revelation 20:12 alludes to this, and verse 5, which speaks to the "first" resurrection, implies there is a second. Ezekiel 37 describes people—long dead—who are raised and for the first time are given hope and understanding.

After every human being has had an equal and full opportunity to accept eternal life on God's terms, then those who have rejected it will cease to exist for all eternity. Their death will be instant and permanent. Although little is mentioned in detail, the act reflects the justice and mercy of our heavenly Father.

There are also many other eyes observing the events that envelope mankind. Angels rejoice when one person repents and when glory is given to God (Luke 15:7, 10). They are concerned and involved in the affairs on earth (Revelation 5:11-12). They also notice the involvement of Satan and the demons in troubling humans (Job 1:7, 12; Matthew 5:1-11; 13:19).

The two thirds of the "good" angels rejoice in the justice and power of God. Just as they will see the final sentence carried out on the third of the angels who followed Lucifer's rebellion, they will witness the fair and just sentence for mankind.

Jude 6 and 13 tell of the sentencing of the fallen angels that is also necessary. God has no joy in this either, but He must follow through with it because there is no other way. He is just and the penalty for sin—whether of angels or men—must be fully paid.

Demons will be out of God's creation forever and humans who refuse salvation will also be out of the memories of all who remain. Their final death removes the memory of their existence forever (Psalm 109:15; Isaiah 26:14).

When even the memory is erased, there are none with regrets, none who mourn lost family members. There will be no more tears or sorrow (Revelation 21:4). There will be no more death. UN