United Church of God

Turning the Hearts...Spending Time With Our Families

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Turning the Hearts...Spending Time With Our Families

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Most single parents didn't choose to rear their children by themselves. Often divorce, death or premarital pregnancy causes a person to become a single parent. Being a single parent is not an easy task. Having to bear the responsibility for providing food and shelter is difficult enough, but teaching and modeling proper behavior is an additional load for the single mom or dad to bear. Then there is the need to show love and give attention to the needs of each child without the aid of the other parent. For mothers with sons, this is particularly difficult. Male children need the example of a man. While moms can try to play ball or wrestle with their sons, there is still a need for masculine influence. Male family members such as an uncle or cousin or grandfather may be of assistance. Daughters living with their dads may also need the additional influence of a female from the family to help them be adjusted. In my studies and observations of families, I see the need for daughters to have a mom as an example and a dad as a strength and support in their lives. I see sons needing the example and model of a dad in their lives, while a mom supplies the warmth and support. God made children to need both. However, when that ideal is not reachable, many single parents do outstanding jobs making sure their loved children get the best they have to offer. Then they rely on support from family and friends to supply what the single parents may lack. May single parents continue to rely on God to help them carry the responsibility meant for two that has been bestowed on them. God is the Father of the fatherless and will defend single moms (Psalm 68:5). Please know that God will be there for the children as revealed in this reassuring passage in the Psalms. "When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take care of me" (Psalm 27:10). May God continue to bless all of the single parents in handling the heritage that has been bestowed upon them (Psalm 127:3).

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