United Church of God

Turning the Hearts . . .Teach Me to Pray

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Turning the Hearts . . .Teach Me to Pray

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Our children do not naturally know how to pray. They need their parents to teach them not only how but also the importance of prayer. Here are some tips on how to teach your children to pray. • Remember that they are children. Don't expect too much from them at first. • Help them understand God. It is difficult praying to someone you do not see. Perhaps explain it's like talking on the phone to someone. You can't see the person, but you know he is there even when he does not speak. Explain how great God is so your children may know He can do anything they ask. • Help them with words initially, but later give them concepts to pray about in their own words. • Show them the usual position in prayer (on our knees) and explain why we bow on our knees—He's the God of the whole universe and our Creator! • Set the example for them in your prayers at mealtime and in family prayer before bedtime. In other words, pray with them. • Give them opportunities to pray at mealtime and bedtime. Coach them if they need help and explain that to conclude they should say, "in Jesus Christ's name, amen." • Put confidence in your children by asking them to pray about upcoming trips, whether for a church picnic or in a bad storm. Ask them to pray for you in your work or personal travel. Those requests make the children realize that their prayers are valued by their parents. • Explain some of the scriptures relevant to prayer (Matthew 6:1-15; Luke 11:5-10; Luke 18:1-8; various Psalms; Jeremiah 29:13; etc.). • Finally, encourage them to pray on their own over various matters of importance to them, the family, the Church and the world. Please remember to set the right example for your children. I remember older children who remarked that they knew their parents were godly folks because their parents were people of prayer and faith. May these tips be reminders to help you teach your children to pray!