Divine Power

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Divine Power

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The day is drawing to a close,
The evening shades are nigh,
The sun in setting beauty shows
The splendor of the sky.

The moon and stars are set in place,
Each one beams forth its light,
Casting down their welcomed ray
Upon the seas at night.

The sparkling waters colored bright
With tints of red and gold,
Tells man of God’s creative power
To all with truth unfold.

He forms the clouds within the sky
To pour abundant rain,
Upon some dry and withered spot
To yield some grass again.

The tall bare trees in forest lands
Drink in refreshing rain,
Bringing forth at God’s command
Their bright green leaves again.

The flowers too have felt once more,
The moisture at their roots,
While breathing in the sun’s warm air
Come forth the sturdy shoots.

The earth in abundance too doth yield,
The fruits and herbs for man
That we can gather from the fields
According to God’s plan.

God cares for every living thing,
Be it man or bird and beast,
Daily thanks to God we bring,
For this continual feast.

To study the proofs of the existence of the Creator of all things, please request the free booklet Life’s Ultimate Question: Does God Exist?