When "Goodbye" Comes Too Suddenly

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When "Goodbye" Comes Too Suddenly

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Benjamin Franklin said that "in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." For every person there is a point of first coming to life, and there is a certain point in which, barring Jesus Christ's return in the near future, we will die.

When we're young, we rarely think about dying. We imagine a long life in front of us with time for our dreams, aspirations and desires. Death seems a long way off.

I myself never faced the death of a close loved one until I was an adult. So while growing up, death seemed like something that happened to old people who had lived long and well.

But now I've been to many funerals. And the recent death of someone I didn't even know hit me hard. He died suddenly and unexpectedly. Why did this death impact me? Because he was my age. I realized that it could have been me. It could have been my husband. I'm not ready to die now, just as you likely are not. Or what if it was my sister or my brother? I'm not ready for them to be gone either.

We all know that our physical lives will end, but we do not know when that end will come for us, or for any of our loved ones. It could happen in an instant through an accident or health crisis. It would in that case be too late to say "Goodbye" or "I love you."

So, what should we do?

Take the opportunity now to tell the ones you care about that you love them. Call up a distant friend and say that you're thinking of him or her. Write a card to a loved aunt and tell her that you miss her. Tell Mom and Dad before you go to bed that you love them and appreciate all that they do for you.

Do it today. Don't wait until tomorrow or next week or next month. It may be too late. Life is short—"for man also does not know his time," as Ecclesiastes 9:12 tells us. Redeem the time now and stay connected to those you love and care for. 

There is coming a time when the scripture will be fulfilled, "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying" (Revelation 21:4).

We won't have to worry about saying goodbye then. But until then, stay in contact with those you love. Tell them you love them. Spend time with them. Call them. Send them a note. You'll be glad you did!


  • Gayle Hoefker

    Hello Wanda,
    I am sorry for your loss. Even though you have had 35 1/2 year with your beloved husband, I know you would love to have had more. It is a pain that is hard to bear, but God is there for you and He will always be there to carry you through life's challenges. It seems that you are making some progress by being able to forgive the doctors. Your husband is in the grave awaiting his resurrection. The Bible refers to death figuratively like a state of sleep. He is at peace now. You may find this article taken from one of our study aids helpful. https://www.ucg.org/bible-study-tools/booklets/heaven-and-hell-what-does-the-bible-really-teach/jesus-christ-and-biblical-writers-compare-death-to-sleep
    We all look forward to seeing our loved ones again. Continue seeking God so that you can be there when Christ returns, and you can see your husband again!

  • neathery.wanda

    my husband of 35 years died and that was and still hard for me. I always knew tho that roger was a gift from God and We where blessed with 35 1/2 years. my love for him will stay in my heart. we became one with God I am not bad with anyone now .I was so angry with the doctors that did nothing I saw helping his life . I know I cannot hang on to the angry and I released it to my Lord and ask for forgiveness and repentances. I will always love my roger but I am happy he is with the Lord and not suffering. I Praise My Lord and My God. One day I will be taken to Heaven and what a joyous day that will be when my eyes will see my savior .

  • Lena VanAusdle

    Wanda, I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved husband. I'm sure each day brings it's own challenges as you learn to face life without him. How wonderful that you have come to a place of forgiveness for the doctors that treated your husband, and that he is no longer suffering. It will be a wonderful day when you see your husband again, as Jesus Christ returns to this earth and raises His saints from the dead. You may find the study aid United Church of God publishes, What Happens After Death, of comfort to you. https://www.ucg.org/bible-study-tools/booklets/what-happens-after-death

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