Why is it hard for us girls to resist temptation when someone shows us love?

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Why is it hard for us girls to resist temptation when someone shows us love?

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Being attracted to the opposite sex is the way God has made us. From creation, His intent was that we humans marry and have children (Genesis 1:28). It is a blessing from God that He created within us a natural attraction between the sexes. And although some boys and girls grow up not liking the other sex, this usually changes as they mature.

When it comes to love, all of us, male and female alike, enjoy being appreciated by someone else. This is a healthy and beautiful experience that God says should only be fully experienced within marriage. In dating and marriage, however, our emotions and feelings also serve as powerful influences. They can influence us for good or evil. God expects us to control these feelings prior to marriage. After we are married, we are to direct these feelings to our mate.

If you would like to learn more about God's instructions regarding dating, please request our free booklet, Making Life Work. Chapter one deals with this subject.