Does God Communicate with Christians Through Dreams Today?: Do My Dreams Have Spiritual Significance?

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Does God Communicate with Christians Through Dreams Today?

Do My Dreams Have Spiritual Significance?

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It's true that God spoke through dreams to some people in the past, but even then, it was a rare occurrence. Hebrews 1:1-2 indicates that the principal way in which God communicates with people today is through Christ via the written Word that God inspired, not through visions or dreams. Additionally, the Scripture advises Christians to be on guard against spirits (fallen angels or demons) that attempt to mislead (1 John 4:1). One of the ways that they deceive people is through paranormal activities.

As Christians, we must guard the information that comes into our minds.

The Bible talks of some dreams that are deceptive (Jeremiah 23:25-27). Most dreams are a natural part of the sleeping state. The Bible talks about the fleeting and unreal nature of dreams (Psalm 126:1; Isaiah 29:8).

Ecclesiastes 5:3 says, "A dream comes through much activity," implying that normal dreams are natural outgrowths of the stimuli we receive in our waking hours. Dreams could come as a result of our own thoughts, what we hear others say, as well as from material we read or watch (movies or videos).

As Christians, we must guard the information that comes into our minds. If we expose our minds to violence or sexually oriented material, for example, these stimuli can cause unwanted dreams. Paul gives us excellent guidelines on how to orient our thinking in Philippians 4:8: "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things."

Having done all that we can to ensure that we have a healthy environment and that we think positive thoughts, we can also ask God to bless us with peaceful and restful sleep. Psalm 127:2 says, "He gives His beloved sleep."

Joel did prophesy of a future time, before Jesus Christ's return, when there would be heavenly signs and "your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions" (Joel 2:28-31). The apostle Peter used this prophecy to help explain the special miracles that accompanied the giving of God's Spirit on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:15-17). But it is clear from the New Testament example that Christians are to seek God's Word from the inspired Scriptures and sound biblical teaching, not private interpretations (2 Timothy 3:15-17; 2 Timothy 4:2-4; 2 Peter 1:20-21).


  • KARS

    Greetings Everyone,
    Acts 2:17 KJV — And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

  • Ruthloves7

    Scripture says that people will claim the name of God but not His power. I see this so much in the church and Beleivers today. We have to believe the power of God still in this day as well. Scripture says He never changes and is always the same. Everyone wants to say the gift of healing is fake and all these different gifts are no longer in affect and it really blows my mind people think they are just to read the Bible and follow the laws and that's it. There is no wonder or miracles or gifts anymore, but it's simply not true. I get so excited cause I see what God does in my life with dreams, and answered prayers, using my enemies who were out to destroy me to bless me and it all still happens and we are in a spiritual war. The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double edged sword. The Bible teaches us things so we understand Gods power and how things came to be. What would be the point of giving us all this and these stories and not being able to use it. Somewhere would have been clear that in the future these things won't happen and you will have no power but it's exactly the opposite, however there are those who decieve & twist truth. Like the charismatic church's

  • bjim42

    Ruth! I believe you! I was searching for answers about dreams from God. I keep a journal. I had many reaccouring dreams. I prayed and prayed for God to help me understand. He answered my prayers and gave me the understanding so that I wouldn't have to worry about the subject again. No man or organization knows all of the answers.

  • Eserasa

    Hello, my wife passed a few months ago and I've had several dreams regarding her.. It wasn't like she came to me in a dream.. More like God sent me these dreams to give me confirmation of her being Ok now.

    My wife had gone through 2 years of being on Oxygen 24/7..The night before her memorial.. In my dream it was like something/someone had instructed me ( with no words) to listen through a small straw size hole, and as I listened, all I heard was real easy breathing..I opened my eyes in my dream and seen my wife still on the stretcher where she passed away at and shouted to the nurse She was still breathing.. The nurse runs and gets the doctors, they looked in on her and she was still just laying there!! At that point...I was instructed AGAIN to listen through this small size hole and again I heard nothing but Smooth and Perfect Breathing!! I feel God was letting me know thst she's not having anymore difficulty with her Lungs!! I was out done! I couldn't have thought of nothing like that in a million years! I believe God sent that dream to me for Comfort before the Memorial which helped me out A Whole Bunch!

  • Lorena
    Rtdreaming...I hear you...don't be afraid...ask God and He will reveal His will for each and every dream you have. Just continue to seek Him, lead/endure a life of holiness, all areas of our life surrender to him, turn from habitual sin. God wants more of you. Sometimes its so you can interceded through prayer, i.e. comfort, protection for them/others etc.. other times caution for us etc...other times a messages for others. The list is endless- God always tells you exactly what he means there is no confusion about what he is trying to reveal to you. Draw nearer.
  • Rtdreaming
    I started having "different" types of dreams right after God enter my life. The first dreams was actually some what related to the last book in the Bible. At the time i was not a believer, but when I told my sister about my dream, she took me to her bible study group. That is when i find out that my dream was related to the last book. On that particular dream, I remember God telling me to tell people to pray. In that dream, i was in a room with windows but no glass, elderlies and children were the only ones with me. I new the devil was out side going around the room, trying to get in. God will tell me from heaven, not to be afraid, to just pray and ask everyone to pray that everything will be okay. After that I dream about people that i know or don't know, if they are suffering or wherever is going on, i dream about it and if i don't tell anyone about it, I get a headache till I tell someone. I had dream about people dying, people suffering from domestic violence, couples that are not able to conceive, and the list goes on. I don't know what to do or if I have to do something, i am afraid of telling people about my dreams because I don't want them to think that i am crazy. One day i woke up and told my husband, "an older men is going to die", i give him all the details of my dream couple of days later he call me at work to tell me that his uncle had die. At the time nothing came to my mind, but as i was driving home I remember my dream. When ingot home my husband asked me to stop dreaming. Everything about the dream it was exactly how it happen, in my dream i can see every details, what color the house is, where in the house happen and how it happen. I hope you get am idea of what am I trying to explain, i just don't know what to do? Is this normal? Of i try to ignore a dream I get a feeling that i am betraying God. Please help!
  • Job33_14-16'29

    Job 33:14-16,29

    "For God speaketh once, yea, twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumbering a upon the bed; then He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction. ... Lo, all these things worketh God often times with man."

    The Holy Spirit is prophesying through you. He is sealing His instruction to you, and you are to take courage for God has shown you much grace and put His anointing upon your life. Be faithful to do Gods good works as He commands and greater things will be added unto you. Don't allow the accuser to get you into hidden and irrelevant condemnation that is not yours. Accept and conform to the image of Christ in you.

  • margaret vidal
    I just want to add a couple of things. God says in the last days we will see visions and dream dreams. For us to receive a dream from God we must acknowledge His power. His dreams are parables that show His love when times are tough. Many times in my life just before a crisis He gave me a dream. I didn't fully know the meaning until everything unfolded. I was left with an awesome feeing of being loved no matter what was happening. A year or two ago I dreamed I was walking toward the ocean with the sun shining on my face and I heard Gods voice. "He said " Margie, I love you." Margie was what they called me when I was a little girl. Him calling me that and saying that meant so much to me because I had just lost my 31 year old son. It was like Him saying everything will be ok. So please open yourself to listen to Gods voice. He wants you to hear Him in many way. Never stop believing How powerful He is and the power of His love for you.
  • KARS
    I can somewhat agree with both of you. My experience was through a prayer as why? Then given the answer just before I fell asleep. The answer the addiction that was keeping me sick. Once I woke up I began to apply the vision instructions I was given and am better for it. All thankgiving goes to Our Father in heaven for His outpouring love, mercies, and forgiveness.
  • meshawna
    God does use dreams as ways of comunication. For had he not done this for me, i would never have come to know just how real and awsome our great God is. I would never have exepted his forgiveness. Mercy or grace. The fullness of his word. Everthing God has planed for mankind. See I knew what i wanted to know. But thru my dreams God showed me what he knew i Needed to know. And i thank him for awnsered silent prayers. and for making dreams come true
  • Skip Miller
    Hello meshawna, Absolutely! God does use dreams to communicate (Job 33: 14 -- 17) to certain people, at certain times for certain reasons. We know God can & occasionally does speak to humans through dreams. There are several records of these special occasions in the Bible. Dreams also come about from other causes. (hard work,indigestion,etc.) And unhappily, occasionally, as God's Word, also in the book of Job previously stated, (Job 4: 12 -- 21) bothersome communication happens. We ordinarily seek God's instruction from the Bible. And when we pray aloud or talk to God silently throughout the day God hears and will answer us in God's own way. Do not require the Father or the Son to do so only in dreams.
  • Sergio82

    I hear ya.

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