What can I do to increase my job security in an uncertain job market?

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What can I do to increase my job security in an uncertain job market?

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With the current state of the world's economy, the unpleasant questions of job security and financial troubles are likely to be unwelcome visitors in the minds of many. The following tips, adapted from an article by Joann S. Lublin in the Wall Street Journal in December 2002 with biblical support added, could help you increase the longevity of your job.

Don't splurge; save.
Struggle to get yourself into a solvent financial position so that you are not threatened by every change of the financial wind. You may need to save money and tighten your belt to do that. We are bombarded with ads telling us how much we deserve a vacation in some exotic place, a new car, a new house or new furniture. Credit cards can make our financial controls difficult to handle. Fight the temptation to overspend.

Avoid anger, paralysis and panic.
Ecclesiastes 10:20 advises us not to curse those over us or say negative things because a "bird" may take your words to the boss. Fear and anxiety can lead to comments that make an employee expendable. "Jittery employees often quit at the first sign of an upcoming layoff. That may be a mistake," warns Linda R. Dominguez.

Give it your all.
Put time and effort into concentrating on the important tasks that will show you can adapt and are a valuable employee. Be sure your work is on time and well done. Go above and beyond. For example, a young man was hired for a job that took him around the company's property. He also made it his personal work to pick up litter that was lying around. Someone in charge saw this action and he was promoted. He now holds an important job with the firm.

Seek to improve.
Examine yourself to see if you are wasting time or effort in your job. Talking too much with others and taking extended coffee breaks are noticed by bosses who are concerned about efficiency. Take a good look at your dress and working habits—can you improve? Psalm 26:2 reveals David's request for God to examine him and test him. David wanted to know where he could improve. Paul tells us to examine ourselves (2 Corinthians 13:5). The principles that apply spiritually also work physically.

Explore alternate career paths.
This may seem like a contradiction to working hard for a company, but the advice, when taken properly, is a sign of a person who is thinking. Hope and plans for the future are vital to performance. Further education and training could make you more valuable in your present career or job, and it can open new doors for you when you are ready.

The Wall Street Journal article says, "Plot out a contingency plan." Of course, this planning must be done outside of work time and in a confidential way. But planning for the future does not mean you are disloyal. Mental health is enhanced by hopes and dreams of a future we want.

Intensify your networking efforts.
"Get involved with your professional organization right now—before you get laid off," suggests Lara Nolen. We need to know people and have contacts all over.

Exercise and maintain a positive attitude.
"Kick up your exercise program a little bit," recommends Marilyn Moats Kennedy. The apostle Paul told Timothy that bodily exercise profits us a little (compared to godliness, which profits us a lot; 1 Timothy 4:8). Remember that Paul wrote in the days when people walked everywhere. Exercise is even more necessary in our day. We probably sit more than any generation before us. We need to get our bodies in motion. We should also focus and meditate on positive things (Philippians 4:8).

Final thoughts from Scripture.
These points are not guaranteed, surefire ways to keep from ever losing your job. Unexpected changes in life can throw a monkey wrench into our plans and instantly change whatever course we had charted out. In Matthew 6:25-34, we are told not to worry about these things, but to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you" (Matthew 6:33).

Though we are certainly to give the jobs and challenges we face in this life the best effort we can, our focus is to be on God, keeping His commandments and seeking His Kingdom. A position there, unlike one in the job market, is the only one that is eternal, permanent and forever secure.

For more information, please read our booklet, Making Life Work