Grasscatcher March 21-25

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Grasscatcher March 21-25

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Can Global Trade Prevent War?

Strategy Page pulls together the significant economic figures that tie China and America together. One hopes their conclusion is correct.

Russian President Putin to Visit Israel-A First

For the first time a sitting Russian president will visit Israel. Despite arms sales to Syria, relations between the two countries have improved in recent years. Read more here

EU Backing off Plans to Sell China Arms-For Now at Least

It seems that American diplomatic pressure on Europe not to lift the ban on arms sales to China is working, at least temporarily. This will not sit well with China according to this statement:

"China's stance is clear: The EU ban is political discrimination that is out of step with reality," the foreign ministry spokesman, Liu Jianchao, told a regular press briefing in Beijing. China wants the ban lifted "as soon as possible,"

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