Post Biblical Christianity

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Post Biblical Christianity

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Albert Mohler continues the conversation about religion in America in an analysis of a USA Today article by Stephen Prothero. Mohler had been quoted in a recent Newsweek cover story, “The Decline and Fall of American Religion”. This is a good article to see three different angles on the current state of religion in America.

Dr. Mohler represents a traditional evangelical view that America is slipping into what he calls a Post Christian Christianity, where mission and evangelistic work is harder to do. Prothero sees America as religious, even Christian, and he makes some very good points that should not be lost in the diverse multi-cultural landscape. The original Newsweek article written by Jon Meacham sees the nation from a loftier, esoteric, view that seemsto want Christian culture to take a back seat.

All three view points have something to say about the state of American religion. But there is another angle to consider. I call it Post Bibilical Christianity. This is that Christianity has missed the true biblical model we see in the Book of Acts and the teachings of Christ. The “faith once delivered” disappeared long ago from the practice of the church. To get back to the biblical model of the Church seen in the New Testament requires a leap across centuries of tradition. Once these are peeled away you will see a church much different from those we see today.

These articles bear more consideration. Something for tomorrow.