My Favorite Super Bowl Ad

I thought the ads from last night's Super Bowl lacked creativity and imagination. There was the usual exploitation of sex which made me really wonder how a parent could let a small child sit through such callous efforts. Vampires showed up in a car commercial.
Even a food product with a cute dog had a dark theme with the dog burying cats in the back yard. In another, tattoos were featured more than the underwear on a male athlete.
Through the offerings of the first half I did not laugh, and I was not impressed. Then came halftime. Up popped a commercial with a man walking down a dark street. A raspy voice came on talking about unemployment in America and how the nation has endured ups and downs through recent times. When I finally caught on that the man and the voice was actor Clint Eastwood I was hooked and listened intently through to the conclusion. Now here was something to pay attention to.
The point: It is halftime in America, and if we pull together, the best "half" of our history lies in the future. Hope is in the future. It was a good commercial, putting a new voice to the idea Ronald Reagan won the 1984 presidential campaign with, "its morning in America".
I truly hope it is "halftime" America. But what would it take to put together a winning game for the coming years? What would it take to turn things around for the country and experience a better economy and an end to the divisions that threaten a way of life we have all come to enjoy? You can read on, but only if you like having your toes stepped on.
We could start with the subjects behind some of last night's commercials. Let's try the occult. America has come to the point where vampires and the dark side of the universe are now an accepted part of the mainstream. There is no thought that we are dealing with pure evil. Dress it up with romance, good looking young people, middle class values, and hey, every neighborhood could use a family of vampires living next door. After all, they look mostly normal and it's not their fault they have different nutritional needs.
It does not take a deep read of the Bible to see that God puts out definite objections to dealing with the occult. Deuteronomy 18:10-11 says, "There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead."
And then there is sex. For my generation (baby boomers) we had grown up immersed in a sex-obsessed culture that has pushed the envelope way past the point of breaking. There is no more envelope. We have gone past the idea that "sex sells". We know that. What has not been learned is that sex unleashed in the way we see it today on screen bludgeons our sensitivity to acts and behavior that violate holiness in life.
Physical sex is a gift of God to be enjoyed within the marriage bond of a man and woman. It is the closest we may get to the essence of holiness in this physical life. It should be nourished and cherished and honored within a godly culture. But we have missed the point and cannot even have a high discussion of the subject because few really understand the basis of the conversation. Few today know why humans are sexual beings and why it is vital to our humanity to use it within the parameters taught by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Getting a handle on the spiritual underpinnings of subjects like these are fundamental to any hope of better "second half" in the United States. Without a spiritual revival unlike anything remotely discussed we will not find solutions to any of the other social, political and economic problems that threaten our way of life.
Behind the big name actor (Clint Eastwood) and the iconic automobile brand (Chrysler) that sponsored this ad—which I claim as my favorite, is a sense that something is wrong and needs fixing. People know something needs to be fixed. Unfortunately we have come to a time when we see it is harder and far more difficult to have the discussion we need to come to solutions.
This website and all that is behind it offers that discussion. It is time. We need a rally. We need to put God first. It is not a matter of getting back to God, it is a matter of coming to God for the first time with a clear vision of who He is and why His teaching matters.
It may be halftime. Whatever future you may have make sure God is there.
What did you think of the Superbowl ads?