United Church of God

Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 5

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Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 5

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Adam and Eve lived a long time and had lots more children.

Did all of their children love God and live God’s loving way of life?

Some of their children, like Seth and Enoch loved God and were like faithful Abel.  They lived by God’s right way of life and so were considered by God to be “righteous”. (Matthew 23:35)

Sadly, some of their children followed the evil “way of Cain”. (Jude 1:11)

Why did some love and follow God and most of the other children follow Satan and the world around them?

Well God tells us, some good sons and daughters in their thoughts and words and actions “walked with God” (Genesis 5:22-24)  Unfortunately, most of their children “imagined only evil things” in their minds all the time, and did not follow God. (Genesis 6:5)

God became very upset with the bad sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. (Genesis 6:6)

Do you know how old Adam was when he died?

Adam was 930 years old. (Genesis 5:5)

That’s very, very, very old isn’t it?

How old are you now, our child, compared to Adam?

Was Adam the oldest person to ever live?

Well, Methuselah lived 39 years longer than Adam and Methuselah died when he was 969 years old. (Genesis 5:27)

After awhile there were only a few good people on the Earth.  Most of the people did not love God and were not doing what God said.

They made silly idols out of wood and stone to bow down to follow, saying, these things will be our gods to look after us, as we build our towns and cities.

Even today, some people trust in crossed fingers and touching wood and bowing to idols that are just dead wood or stone. They are not alive like our true, living God, our Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

God says; “This evil people who refuse to hear my words and walk in the silly ideas of their heart and walk after other gods to serve them and to worship them, this evil people shall be good for nothing.” (Jeremiah 13:10)

But, there was hope!

There was one man, Noah and his family, who loved God so much that God said He would save him and his family.

Noah loved God, and showed that he loved God by keeping God’s commandments and laws of how to liveand he did what was right. (1 John 5:3)

God loved Noah and told him all about His plans to destroy all the evil people on the Earth, in a huge flood of water to cover the Earth. (Genesis 6:7)

Noah was told by God how to build a great big boat called "The Ark", so as to protect his family and the animals God wanted to save alive, that could not live in the water. (Genesis 6:15-16)

God does not like to destroy people, but people suffer terrible results, when they think, speak, and do evil things and do not say sorry. Everyone has to learn that God’s way of life is the only way to be really happy.

Noah took 120 years to make the Ark because it was very big and God asked him to warn people to repent and change their evil ways to God’s good ways, so that they would not drown in the Flood.

Do you think they listened to Noah?

They were very foolish and laughed at Noah, mocking him with very bad words!

Fighting and violence was everywhere and there was so much evil, that God said to Noah, it is time to get into the Ark you have built. (Genesis 6:11-13)

God made all the animals He wanted to save from drowning go into the ark.

God chose 7 pairs of each of the animals that are good for people to eat and 2 pairs of every one of the animals that are not good for people to eat.  The good ones to eat, God called “clean” and the other animals that were bad to eat, God called “unclean”. (Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14)

All the animals God chose, walked up into the Ark. Noah and all his family went into the Ark.  Then God shut the door of the Ark.

They were in the Ark for 7 whole days, and nothing happened!

Can you imagine what Noah and his family were thinking in those 7 days?

Why did God not bring the Flood waters for 7 days?

Can you think of a reason why our loving God waited another 7 days, before causing the Flood? (Genesis 7:10)

Well, our child, God patiently waited, just in case even one more person might say sorry to God and repent of their sins, and want to change to living God’s loving way of life and not evil fighting, violence, drunkenness, rebellion and wickedness.

God would have saved them if they had repented, because God is very merciful, forgiving and kind.

Sadly, the people outside the Ark did not repent, but continued to laugh at Noah and his family and shout bad words at them.



Down came the rain so heavy you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face.

Swish!!!!  Swish!!!! Swoosh!!!

Water gushed up from under the earth in tall, big spouts, faster than people could run away. (Genesis 7:11)

There was nowhere to go. All the evil people drowned very quickly.

It rained for 40 days and 40 nights and the Flood waters covered the highest mountains on the Earth, by at least 15 cubits (nearly 23 feet or over 6 meters). (Genesis 7:20)

For one year and ten days, Noah and his wife with their 3 sons Shem, Ham, and Japeth, and their 3 wives floated safely in the Ark on the Flood waters, with all the lovely animals.

Then God stopped the Ark on the side of Mount Ararat and all the Flood water went back to the rivers and sea and back into the earth. (Genesis 8:2-4)

Noah opened up a window of the Ark and let a black Raven bird fly away for a very long time, until it found dry land to rest.

Then he let a dove go but it could not find a dry spot to land like the Raven did, so it flew back to Noah in the Ark.

So, Noah waited another 7 days and let another dove go. 

Do you know what the little dove brought back in its beak, our child? (Genesis 8:7-11)

It brought a small olive leaf to Noah, to show that the Flood waters were gone and it was safe to leave the Ark, which Noah did 7 days later, on the 1stday of the 1stmonth of that year. (Genesis 8:13)

God then opened the door of the ark and all the animals came out with the 8 people.

Then God put a beautiful coloured rainbow in the sky.

God promised Noah the rainbow is the sign He will never flood the whole earth again.

Have you ever seen a lovely rainbow in the sky, our child?

Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Japethand their wives, went out and started to have many children, who also had children and filled the earth again with people.

Shem is the father of the white (Caucasian)people. Ham is the father of the black (Negro) people. Japethis the father of the yellow (Asian) people.

God said to Noah and his sons; “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.”


To be continued in Chapter 6…